Swear On My Life [] Robin Part 2

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Requested by SpitFireShippers and Zekohia

This is part two from Scholarships and Superheroes, so if you haven't read that one shot, please read it before you read this one.

P.S: The italics are the answers and the bold italics are the questions.


I pulled my skirt down, the hem barely going down to mid thigh.

Groaning, I walked out of my room, shrugging my leather jacket on.

"I'm leaving guys!" I called out through the house. I was meet with a chorus of 'goodbyes' and 'okays'.

Walking out of the door, I grabbed my motorcycle helmet and shouldered my bag. I then stepped into the empty elevator.

My phone rang as I stepped off the elevator. "Hey (B/F/N)!" I exclaimed, syncing my phone to my motorcycle helmet.

"Hey (Y/N)!" She greeted as I walked into the garage. "Ready for a brand new school?"

"Honestly," I threw my phone in my bag, putting my helmet on. "No."

"Come on! It'll be fun!" She replied as I mounted my bike.

"Come on they said. It'll be fun they said." I zoomed out of the garage and into the streets. I speed by cars and people, probably breaking a couple of laws.

"It won't be like that. Promise!" (B/F/N) said. I sighed, softly shaking my head.

"Fine, but I'm holding you to that."

She laughed, "Okay, now, I have a feeling you're nearing school, so I'll hang up now."

"M'kay," I replied.

"C'ya," She ended, the click at sounding that she had just hung up

Indeed, I pulled up to the prestigious Gotham Academy not much later. As I slowed down, people stopped and gawked at me. Maybe it was me, maybe it was my bike. I pulled into the first empty spot I saw, turning the bike off.

I saw a boy with black hair and blue-ish green eyes looking at me curiously.

My hair started to cascade down my body as I removed my helmet. Looking into the camera on my phone, I made some quick adjustments to my hair, getting off my bike.

I smiled, waving to (B/F/N). She neared me. "Always love to make a grand entrance don't you?"

I chuckled. "At least I didn't kick open the doors screaming, "I'm here mother fuckers!"."

She let out a small laugh. "True, true." We passed the blue-ish green eyed boy as he continued to look at us curiously. The limo he had come out of pulled away, leaving him on the steps of the school. I met his gaze, looking at him with curiosity. He seemed familiar, in a very strange way.

"So, what classes do you have?" (B/F/N) asked, snapping me out of my gaze.

"Oh," I looked back at her. "Um, AP Science then PE, then AP Math, lunch, English, then Mechanical Engineering, then Computer Engineering, then Social Studies. And on Thursdays, I have a free period between Mechanical and Computer Engineering."

"Wow, you have a lot of advanced classes." She said, looking at her schedule. "The only advanced class I have is AP English."

"Dude, I could never pay attention in English that long to be in AP English," I replied. "Plus, all the advanced classes I'm taking are related to engineering in some way."

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