You Sly Bastard [] Red Arrow

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Requested by jordanxships


I walked into the mission room along side Nightwing as we talked and laughed.

Both our eyes landed on Roy. "Hey babe!" I greeted, giving him a peck on the cheek. "So, what's up?"

He crossed his arms 'menacingly', out of jealousy. "Icicle Junior got out of Belle Reve somehow and I need backup."

Both Nightwing and I looked at Roy,  astonished. "You, the Roy Harper, need back-up?"

He shrugged, "You know I'll just ask someone else if-"

"No, no, no!" I exclaimed. "I would love to!"

He bit his lip. "Well, you see there is one problem."

"And that would be?"

He sighed. "You're a girl."

"I am aware of that." I retorted.

"(Y/N)," Nightwing sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh not you to!" I exclaimed, swatting his hand off. 

"(Y/N) let me-"

"Nope! You do not get to explain yourself Roy Harper!" I said, pointing a finger at him.

"(Y/N) let's be rational-"

"No! Rational died when you decided to starting sexist and rude!" I bit my lip, crossing my arms. "And until you stop with that bull, we are over."

"What?!" Roy yelled as Nightwing excused himself. "(Y/N)!" He exclaimed, grabbing my hand. 

Jerking my hand away, I spat out, "Goodbye Roy Harper,"


Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, I notched an arrow at the crook. Letting the arrow fly, it pierced his calf, making him fall to a knee. "Holy shit woman!"

"What? Did you think just because I'm a woman that I wouldn't hurt you? You thought wrong!" I snapped, landing next to the crook.

"No! You shot me in the leg with your stupid arrow!" He retorted.

I whipped out my phone. "Oh, sorry about that." Calling an ambulance, I left, leaving the crook tied to a pipe.

"Scarlet," A voice said as I stood atop the Queen Industries building. I turned to see Green Arrow.

"Dad," I replied as he walked towards me. "I see someone decided to do something for once."

"Hey! I find personal offense to that!" He said as he joined my side.

I chuckled. "Of course you do. So, what's up?" 

"Well, you see, I saw the Scarlet Arrow just barely manage to not take a minor crooks leg off, so if you would mind telling me what that was all about..."

I sighed. "Roy and I broke up because he said I couldn't go on some stupid mission with him because I was a girl."

"Oh," He replied. "Well, Roy is Roy..."

"So? That gives him no right!" I replied, throwing my hands up.

"Still, you have to remember that Roy probably is still in puberty."

I snorted at his comment. "Did his body good, not so much his brain."

"I'm not even going to ask about that and get straight to the point. Roy is a douche, and an idiot, and a moron, and a-"

"You said you were going to get straight to the point." I interrupted.
"Oh yes, the point." He replied. "He does care, but he is such a dick he doesn't even realize it or try to."

I laughed. "Well said," He laughed along with me. "But he isn't getting off that easily." The laughing came to an abrupt stop. "Bye Dad,"

I started to notch a grappling arrow, aiming it. "Bye (Y/N)," And then, I was off.


I stared at my phone, scrolling through Tumblr when I bumped into someone. "Sorry," I mumbled, steping aside to keep on walking to my room.

"(Y/N)," God damnit. I willed my legs to go faster as I continued to walk, occasionally smilling at a cute gif of dogs.


The door to my room automatically opened as I stepped in. Roy grabbed my arm at the last second. "(Y/N), please."

I tossed my phone on the bed,  whipping around. "What the hell do you want?!"

He sighed. "I want to apologize."

"No," I replied, manualy trying to get my door clossed. Much to my dismay,  the door did not even budge. "Ugh,  move Roy."

"No." He said firmly.

"Fine, do you want to come in?"

"Um, sure?" He said hesitantly. As he walked in, I ran out, the door closing behind me as I let out a laugh, running to the living room.

I heard the door open and footsteps pounding after me. In one swift move,  that bastard had tackled me, pinning me to the couch.

We looked into each others eyes as he leaned down. "I'm sorry," He whispered against my lips.

"You tease," I whispered back.

He chuckled, closing the space. I felt one of his rare smiles pressed against mine as our lips moved in sync.

Soon, the oxygen was running out of my body as I pulled away, panting. "You sly bastard."

He chuckled rather huskily this time. "Love you too."

I smiled up at him. "I know,"

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