Wifi [] Part 3

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Requested by Johnnie0131 and Rebellious1302

Quick A/N. Go check out my friend bigadiddleiaPSHH she writes Phan (Dan and Phil) fanfics.

(G/W/N) - Generic Woman's Name


My head began to pound, the words on the page swirling in my mind as I let out a groan, leaning back in my chair.

The chair made a squeak as I pushed it away, my legs wobbeling under my newfound weight as I made my way towards the kitchen.

I threw open one of the many cabinets, grabbing the asprin. I poured myself a cup of water, swallowing the pills down then the water. "God," I muttered. "I hate exams,"

I plopped on the couch, giving myself a well deserved break.

I turned the T.V. on, the pixels almost immediately lighting up, the news playing. "Thank you Jeff," one of the news anchors spoke. "Now, I'm right outside Metropolis Airport as Tim Drake, son of Bruce Wayne, is landing. He has flown in from Gotham, although we have no sources that say why."

I leaned forward, the news anchor peaking at my curiosity. The woman continued to spew out usless information as I huridly threw my shoes on, slipping a hoodie over my head as I grabbed my phone, turning the T.V. off and rushing out of my apartment.


I arrived at the airport in fifteen minutes, hoping to catch a glipse of him.

The paparazzi crowded the entrance of the airport as other pedestrians tried to make their way into the airport.

The paparazzi practically exploded with noise as he stepped out of the automatic doors.

I caught a glimpse of his dark, tousled hair as he continued to walk. I raked my brain with ways to get his attention as he neared his limo. "Um... Coffee is my aesthetic!"

He stopped, turning to me in a dramatic fashion. I gave him a small wave with a smile as his eyes widened. "I like your shoelaces!"

He smiled back at me. "Thanks! I stole them from the president!"

I laughed as he neared me, my feet carrying me towards him.

We greeted each other in a hug, the paparazzi confused at our sudden interaction.

"(Y/N), it's been so long!" Tim said after we parted.

I gave him a nod, a smile still plastered onto my face. "I know! God, it's so good to see you!"

We smiled at each other, stunned with joy as the papparazi began to surround uz. "This is your fault, you know."

Tim nodded, chuckling as I gestured to the mob of cameras. "I hope so,"

I laughed, meeting his blue eyes with my own (E/C) eyes. "So, I'll catch you around?"

He nodded, "Indeed you will."

I nodded back, turning and walking off towards my car. A smile danced on my lips as I got in my car, all the way to my apartment.

I plopped down onto my couch once again, the indent my body had left begining to form yet again as I turned on the T.V.

"Who is this mystery girl? And why is coffee her aesthetic? I'm (G/W/N), and this is Metropolis Buzz." I laughed as I saw my face appear on the screne.

"Earlier today Timothy Drake-Wayne, more commonly known as Tim Drake, flew from Gotham to Metropolis for "private reasons," he states. As Drake was coming out of the airport, a woman yelled, "Coffe is my aesthetic", catching Drake's attention."  Once again, I let out a laugh, memories flooding back to me. "The two then proceeded to talk and seemingly reunite."

I shook my head, chuckeling as I grabbed the remote, turning the pixilated screen off.

Standing up, I made my way towards my bedroom, collapsing onto the bed with a nirvana type feel in my body.

My eyes began to close, the world fadong before my eyes as I drifted off into a blissful sleep.


I let out a yawn, letting me hair fall over my shoulders as I sat up in my bed.

The night was still looming over the city as I checked the time. 3:07 am, well, I guess sleeping was a 'no'.

My bare feet padded against the hardwood floor as I got up, walking to the kitchen.

I poured myself a glass of water, the wind blowing through my curtains.

"What the?" I gasped, remembering that I never opened my windows.

I whipped around to meet a black cowl. "What the hell, Tim!"

"Sorry," He appologized, "I didn't know how to get a hold of you."

I shook my head. "That doesn't mean you break into my home!"

"I'm sorry!" Tim exclaimed, throwing his cowl off. "I'm sorry about it all!"

I tiltes my head, giving him a quizzical look. "Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry about not answering you for months. I'm sorry for breaking your heart." Tim said, hanging his head in shame.

"Oh, Tim," I sighed, lifting his head to meet my eyes. "You don't have to apologize."

"You don't hate me?" Tim asked, taking his turn to become confused.

I shook my head sadly. "The moment you revealed your identity to me, I knew that it would happen at some point. That you would go. I didn't realize that that was the case 'till much later." I explained.

His nodded, a poker face plastered onto his features. "Oh,"

"If you ever want to start over, just as (Y/N) and Tim, not Hack If You Can, and Challenge Accepted, I will always be here. Okay?" I offered, placing my hand on his shoulder.

He nodded once again, holding out his hand. "Hi, I'm Tim Drake."

I smiled at his bluntness. "Hi," I replied, shaking his hand. "My name's (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)." Tim smiled, letting go of my hand.

I nodded, challenging his smile with one of my own. "Pleasure to meet you as well, Tim."

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