Again [] Jason Todd

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Bright lights flashed around me as I tried to maintain a composed look. Slowly but surely, I made my way out from the limelight as my agent whispered nonsense about everyone into my ear. "I know who these people are," I whispered back, trying to escape the hovering "mother" that was my agent.

"Fine," She said, leaving my side to go chat up another director. I ventured off to find a drink, only to find what I assumed to be some sort of god.

"You're staring," He chuckled, his green eyes darting around the place as if he was waiting for someone.

"I-," I could feel my insides mushing together as I looked at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude."

"No worries, I get it more than you'd think." He put the glass of champagne he was holding onto a bypassing tray, walking towards me ever so slightly. "So, you're the famous (Y/N) (L/N) that everyone's just dying to meet."

I rolled my eyes, a smile dancing along my lips. "I guess so. And who might you be?"

A smirk painted on his lips, he held his hand out as I shook it. "Jason Todd, at your service."


I flinched as a vase went flying past me, his yells echoing off the walls. "I'm sorry," I pleaded, trying to get him to calm down.

"Sorry doesn't cut it! You leave for hours at a time, just to come back and crash!" A sigh escaped my lips as I tried to hold all the emotions that had built up in me back.

"That's not true," I whispered softly, my eyes darting to the floor as his footsteps haunted me, coming closer. I could feel his breath as my hands closed into fists, awaiting a fight that hopefully would never come.

"You know what," He whispered, his hand underneath my chin, making me look up. "You're right. It may be not true-" My body fell onto the floor, his shadow towering over me. "But you're still a bitch." I raised my arms in an attempt to block myself, but a crash interrupted his train of violence.

"Well, that's no way to treat a lady." A loud thump sounded throughout the apartment as he fell to the ground, a new figure coming into view. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, pushing myself off the ground. "Thank you," A short gasp escaped my lips as I got a clear view of my "savior". Subconsciously, my feet pushed me back towards the wall. "W-Why are you here? What do you want?"

A metallic sigh could be heard from the vigilante as he came closer. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."

"But you're-"

"The Red Hood, I know. But I promise you, I'm not going to hurt you."


"So, we meet once again." I rolled my eyes, turning to see Jason Todd. "I see you're still looking as gorgeous as ever."

"And you're still a pig," I said after he scarfed down a shish-kabob of just shrimp.

"Oh, don't be so rude. You still love the way I look." He complimented himself, walking towards me. "So how do we keep on meeting like this?"

I rolled my eyes, a smirk forming on my face. "Because you're just so desperate to talk to me you'd join your daddy in a gala that you really don't want to go to."

"Ouch," He said, coming even closer. "You just got me all figured out, don't you."

"I do," I cooed, walking forward to meet him. "Don't I?"

He looked up from my gaze, a smirk fighting its way onto his gorgeous face. "Aren't you just a riot."

I let out a short laugh, looking back into his eyes. "Want to find out?" He cocked an eyebrow, looking down at me as I disappeared into the crowd.

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