Love Triangle [] Joker and Harley Quinn

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Written by PrincessStarWars

Requested by Little-Miss-Insane

I'm not good at titles.


You were a part of the Gotham City Sirens, and both Harley Quinn and the Clown Prince of Crime himself, the Joker, were in love with you. Joker was constantly flirting with you, and Harley always made you laugh. Anyway, Harley had been missing for a few days, and you, Ivy, and Selina had set out to look for her.

"Where could she have gone?!" Ivy fumed. "She's supposed to be over the clown obsession!" You laughed.

"But then she wouldn't really be Harley, would she?" You pointed out. Selina climbed up onto the roof.

"I found her," she said.

"Where?!" Both you and Ivy immediately rushed over. Selina snorted.

"Where else?" she said. A few minutes later, you, Ivy, and Selina were breaking down the doors to the Joker's warehouse, fighting off all of his goons, only to find Harley, completely safe, fighting with the Joker. Literally. The Joker rolled out of the way just in time as Harley brought her mallet down on the ground where his head should have been.

"I think we're good here," Selina said, turning to leave.

"Wait! We can't just leave her here!" you protested.

"If you want to try to reason with her, go ahead. We're going home," Ivy said. "Good luck. I'll be waiting with the med supplies." You shook your head as they left, and turned back to the fight in front of you.

"Harley!" you shouted, catching their attention.

"Y/N!" Harley squealed in excitement, running up and throwing her arms around your neck.

"Hi, Harls," you said. The Joker was practically glowing with jealousy, but grinned anyway.

Y/N, doll! Nice of you to drop by," he said. You rolled your eyes but smiled and blushed.

"So, what did I miss?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Oh, nothing, I was just trying to tell Miss Quinzel over here that you could never love her", Joker said.

"That's not true!" Harley shouted. "I'll rip your lungs out, you lying sack of-"

"Okay, okay, okay", you interrupted her before they started fighting again. Meanwhile, Joker was laughing, per usual.

"Let me get this straight," you said. "Harley, you love me?" Harley nodded.

"I do," she said. "I love you more than I ever loved Mistah J back then!" You blushed, and turned towards the Joker.

"What your excuse, Clown Prince of Crime?" you said. The Joker grinned, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a single acid rose, handing it to you. He turned towards Harley and laughed.

"Now who does she love more?" he taunted. They were about to begin fighting again, but you stopped them.

"STOP!" You shouted. They looked at you expectantly. "I love..."

~Joker's Ending~

"I love Joker", you said. The Joker laughed, immediately scooping you up and kissing you passionately on the lips before setting you down. Harley stood behind him, smiling sadly at you. While the Joker wasn't looking, you threw the acid rose to her and winked. She immediately cheered up and skipped out of the warehouse back to the other Sirens. The Joker kissed you again.

"I knew you'd make the right choice!"

~Harley's Ending~

"I love Harley", you said. Harley squealed and pulled you into a huge hug, kissing you square on the lips. You caught her scent since she was so close to you; perfume, and vanilla cupcakes. Behind her, the Joker was fuming with jealousy. An unlucky goon walked in, and Joker shot him before storming out of the room. Harley noticed your gaze.

"He'll get over it soon", she said. You smiled.

"I love you, Harls", you said. Harley wrapped her arm around your shoulders, and bumped her hip against yours.

"I love you, too, Y/N!"

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