Home [] Nightwing

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Requested by Alli_Johnson and 

Sorry it has taken me so long to update, but school and volleyball and dance have been kicking my arse, not to mention homework and family. So, I hope this is good!

(Y/W) - Your Weapon


I sighed as I overlooked Bludhaven. It was beautiful from afar, the bright city lights against the night sky; but once you got into it, god help us all.

"(Y/N), the Red Hood is having a raid on 22nd and 18th, I'm checking it-" Nightwing spoke into the com before having a cough attack.

"No, you are to sick to do anything but patrol. You're lucky I let you on patrol in the first place. I will check it out. You only do anything if I tell you." I shot back.

"But (Y/N)-"

"Knight, please..." I asked, using his nick name.

He sighed. "Fine, but I am interfering if I feel it is getting too hard for you to handle." I sighed.


I shot my grappling hook away, the wind blowing through my (H/C) hair as I bit my lip.

Moments later, I landed onto the building that was being raided. "I'm on the building. I'm heading in." I spoke into my com.

"Be careful." Dick replied. 

"Yes mom." I snorted. I made my way into the building, getting startled by the sound of gunshots that echoed off the walls.

A bullet flew past me as I froze. "I see Nightwing couldn't be here." I looked to see the Red Hood.

"No, but you're damn lucky I am." I retorted, bringing my (Y/W) out.

"Oh, what are you going to do, give my a tampon?" He snapped.

I snorted. "You wish."

He took his guns out. "Bring it."

I smirked, charging at him.


"No!" I ran towards Red Hood, tackling him. I punched him continuously in the face until his helmet cracked.

Sliding off of his unconscious body, I ran over to Dick, who was bleeding. "See, this is why you don't face people with guns when you're sick."

He rolled his eyes. "Yes mom."

I waved him off, applying pressure to his would. I tore some of my spandex from my leg off, wrapping it around his stomach.

"Now, come on, let's go home before your brother kills me."

We both laughed as we left the building, leaving the beaten men on the ground.


3rd Person POV

(Y/N) sighed as she overlooked the city. Thoughts went through her head as the wind blew through her hair. Her arms where crossed as she bit her lip.

"(Y/N)?" Dick asked softly.

"Ya?" She replied, her eyes not parting from the view.

"You okay?"

She hesitated. "Ya, I guess." Dick wrapped his arms around her smaller figure, there bodies fitting together like pieces onto a puzzle. "It's so beautiful. Why is it so corrupt?"

"I don't know." Dick replied.

It was silent as the wind blew by, the dark night sky wrapping around them. Stars twinkled above the damned city. Police sirens wailed in the distance as the sound of traffic sounded throughout the city.

It wasn't perfect.

But it was home.

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