In Love [] Nightwing

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Requested by TomboyLiv

So, I know it's only like, December 6th, but I got this request and I'm like, "YES! OMG YES!" I mean, I'm not a male, but I do really like this idea I've got planed for this certain one shot.


The snow sprinkled down onto the sleek road as I walked down the side walk, hand in hand with Dick. "Hey babe, what do you think if this year, we go and celebrate Christmas with my family?"

"Ya, okay." I replied, squeezing his hand. He squeezed back as we continued to walk down the street, oblivious of the rude things we where getting called.

We made it back to our apartment, where Dick made his famous pasta while I talked with him about his family.

"Well, I'm the oldest out of six. My younger siblings are Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown and Tim Drake." Dick said as he stirred the pasta.

"Cool! I never knew Bruce Wayne had so many kids!" I exclaimed.

Dick chuckled as he poured the pasta into the water drainer thing. "Well, he was never the most, open person. Never has, never is."

"Well, at least you got a big family." I smiled, grabbing some plates from the cabinet.

"Ya, I guess." It was silent for a moment. "Well, what movie do you want to watch?"

I smiled mischievously. "How about Kingsman?"

"Oh, not again!"


I bit my lip as I watched the snow slowly fall. Dick gripped my hand, giving it a squeeze as if he could read my mind. "Hey, it's going to be fine. They'll love you."

I smiled as the cab stopped. I stepped out and stared in awe at the humongous manor that stood in front of us. We walked up the grand steps and to the giant oak doors. Dick knocked on the door, to which a man, in his mid 40s maybe, opened the door.

"Master Dick! A pleasure to see you! This must be (Y/N)!" The man greeted, taking our jackets as we entered the manor.

"Alfie, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend (Y/N) (L/N). (Y/N), this is Alfred Pennyworth, the most badass person you will ever meet."

I laughed as I greeted Alfred. "Pleasure to meet you Sir."

"Please, skip the casualties just as everyone else does and call me Alfred. Now, may I take your coats?" I slipped off my coat as he hung it up on the rack. I heard people thundering down the spiraling stairs, and I saw six people. Three girls, three boys. The boys had similar features whereas the girls could not have looked more different.

They all stopped in their tracks when they saw me.

"Jason, Tim, Cass, Steph, Tim, Dami, this is (Y/N), my fiancé." Dick introduced.

"Erm, nice to meet you all, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." I said, never more intimidated by younger people in my entire life.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N), Dick as said good things about you." A man who I can only presume to be Bruce Wayne spoke, emerging from the shadows.

"Nice to meet you as well Mr. Wayne. You have an amazing manor." I replied, shaking his hand firmly.

"Thank you and please excuse my children, they are, how should I say this? Hesitant, to new people." I chuckled.

"No problem." I said, Dick coming to my side once again.

It was silent for a minute before one of the boys spoke. "So Dick, you like dicks?"

"Jason!" Bruce scolded as everyone else scolded him as well. Dick and I chuckled as Jason tried to defend himself. "What! I was just asking!"

I laughed once again. "So, you must be Jason?"

He nodded, walking up to me to shake my hand. "I'm Jason. Hurt Dick I will kill you."

"Erm," I looked at Dick. "Okay?"

After the other introductions were made, and some death threats as well, we all gathered in the kitchen. Alfred took our bags as we sat down in front of some absolutely scrumptious looking food.

As we ate, I was overflown with questions to the point where Dick had to intervene.

Dinner was soon over and we all gathered in the living room to watch a movie. After many debatable choices, we all chose "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation", much to Damian's disapproval.

3rd Persons POV

(Y/N) yawned as he curled up next to Dick. Dick put his arm around the slightly younger boy as he too drifted off into sleep.

Damian was the first to notice that the two had fallen asleep, and soon enough everyone was taking pictures.

Stephanie was the first to notice the rings on the two's fingers. She squealed in delight as Bruce noticed, and soon everyone was freaking out. Even Damian had a little small smirk on his face.


The next day, (Y/N) and Dick where walking in the garden of Wayne Manor as the snow gently fell all around them. They talked about anything and everything, getting captivated with each other.

As they walked under a small patch of cheery trees, Dick stopped. (Y/N) stopped next to him, asking the older boy what was wrong.

Dick just smiled in awe at (Y/N). "How did I ever get so lucky?"

(Y/N) smiled back. "I don't know."

They looked into each others eyes, not saying a word.

But they both new.

They where in love.

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