Just Kill Me [] Red Hood

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"Just do it, Jason!" I cried as the gun before me shook violently. "Just kill me!"


5 Hours Before                                                                                                                                                                         Gotham

I twisted the handles on the bike, going faster and faster. "(Y/N)! Slow down!" Jason said through the coms. I ignored him as I reached the back of the truck. 

While gripping the handles, I propped myself atop the seat, crashing into the truck. I was sent flying into the open back, punching, and kicking. 

Punch, kick, dodge, kick.


I felt a sting on my neck, then a cloth go over my mouth. 

I kicked and groaned, my attempts getting weaker and weaker until I eventually passed out.


"The Joker has two dozen bomb implants in civilians around Gotham. They are microscopic and transferred by some sort of fluids or injections. Dick, Tim, and Cass take the south side of Gotham. Damian, Stephanie, and Duke take the north side. (Y/N) and Jason, my intel shows that there is a truck headed towards the pier, full of implants. Go divert it and get the implants. I will take the other truck." Bruce spoke, flipping his cowl. "One of the only ways to disarm the implant is by killing the host, but if you successfully bring the host of the implant back here, I will be able to get the implant out of them."


I woke up, tied to a chair, horrible fumes burning in my nose. I looked around, noticing that I was in a high rise apartment overlooking Gotham.

"Jason?" I asked as a shadow emerged from the dark. 

"(Y-(Y/N)," He said, his eyes bloodshot and his hair tousled. 

He held a loaded gun while creeping closer to me. "You have a bomb in you." My eyes widened as he continued. "They won't let you go. They're going to make me kill you."

I looked into his eyes as he held the gun up to my forehead, tears falling down his face. "Jason, just do it."

I told myself it was for the greater good. That it would be fast, and I wouldn't feel a thing.

"Just do it, Jason!" I cried as the gun before me shook violently. "Just kill me!"

He shook his head as tears started to form eyes. "Jason, just do it. Get it over with."

"I-I can't," 

3rd Person POV

(Y/N) pushed her head against the barrel, closing her eyes. "Jay, people will die. Just get it over with."

Jason continued to shake his head, the gun shaking violently. 

"Jason, please-"

"(Y/N) (L/N) and Jason Todd, you have failed." A voice rang out as three men ran out from a door that was locked before. They grabbed Jason, putting a bomb implant inside him as well, catching him off guard. "You have five minutes to kill each other, or you both will be killed."

Jason and (Y/N) exchanged glances, a moment of silence passing through them. "Well, don't just stand there. Untie me,"

Following (Y/N)'s request, they continued to barely talk. 


"I'm not killing you."

"Jay, lis-"

"I'm not killing you!" Jason roared, looking down at (Y/N). "You mean to much to me..."

(Y/N) cupped Jason's face, pulling their bodies closer to one another. "Jason, I don't want to die..."

He put his hands on her waist, placing his forehead against hers. "Neither do I,"

Tears began to fall down their faces as the timer counted down.



"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"I love you,"


"I love you too,"




"I don't want to die. Not again,"


"I don't want to die either,"


"I love you,"



Gotham                                                                                                                                                                                       2025

Two children looked at one another from across the room, their teacher talking against the screaming of children.

Warily, the small boy approached the girl, feeling a sense of compassion. "Hi. I'm Jason,"

Slowly, the girl's faced morphed into an adorable smile. "Hi, I'm (Y/N),"

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N),"

"Nice to meet you too."


lol wtf am i doing.

Anyway, I changed my username, and i think it is pretty neat. It's very childish tho. And, ya, this is how I actually wright when I'm not trying.



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