Soulmates [] Red Hood

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Requested by Nightshade004

Note, there are life three or four different soulmate AUs in this.

(C/N/N) - Cute Nick Name


"Seven billion people in the world and you're complaining because we killed one guy," Jason said, taking a sip of his smoothie.

"Bu-" Roy started.

"Seven. Billion. People. Now quit complaining and drink your smoothie." Jason interrupted, his eyes wandering from civilian to civilian. "There he is,"

Standing up, Jason started to make his way towards one of the drug dealers, leaving both his smoothie and Roy behind. "Jay, wait!"

Jason's shoulder brushed up against another person's his world lighting up with color. "What the?"

The girl stumbled but kept on walking. Jason felt something brush against his wrist and looked down to see the bracelet that had been on his wrist for so long that he had forgotten it had existed had fallen off. "Hey, Jay! Why'd you stop? You let the dude get away!"

Jason turned to Roy, the color in his world fading. "Wow, your eyes!"

"What about my eyes?" Jason questioned.

"There both green! They've never been both green! One of them was (E/C), but they're both green!" Roy exclaimed.

Jason looked in the direction that his soulmate had gone, but by then, all he could see were black and white hues once again.


"Who is she?" Jason questioned as the same girl from the sidewalk walked past him and Bruce, kneeling down to the bomb.

"I'm the person you call when there's a bomb." She replied, stealing a quick glance at him. "And just so you know," She started, tinkering with the bomb. It turned off as she turned back to Jason. "I don't usually deal with psychopaths."

"I prefer creative," Jason retorted, studying her every move.

"Mhm," She hummed, popping up from her position and dusting her hands off. "Welp, there you go!"

"Thank you, (Y/N)." Bruce thanked.

"I still don't see why you needed me when you are Batman." She replied, walking towards the edge of the roof. Her hair flew up for a split second as she jumped onto the escape ladders. "See you!"


The last time Jason saw her was the first time they actually held a conversation. "Why am I here again?"

Jason rolled his eyes, groaning. "Because I don't know how to disable this tech."

"It's simple," She replied, walking towards the bomb. "You press the off switch,"

She reached into the bomb, clicking a button as the countdown reached a halt. "But then again, you, are "creative", aren't you."

Jason rolled his eyes as she joined her side, looking up at his red helmet. "You seem familiar,"

"Nope," Jason simply replied.

She rolled her eyes. "(Y/N) (L/N),"

"What?" Jason replied in suprise.

"My name's (Y/N), but my code name's 'Bomber'." (Y/N) chuckled. "The League found it fitting when I worked with them a couple years back, and it stuck."

"Oh," Jason simply replied, fiddeling with the hem of his jacket, something he never did. "Y-you didn't happen to know someone by the name Jason Todd?"

(Y/N) looked into space, a sad smirk dancing on her lips. "Haven't heard that name in a long time. Once upon a time we were soulmates."

"What happened to him?" Jason questioned, his eyes not parting from the female.

"He..." (Y/N) started, running a hand through her hair. "He left, a long time ago." (Y/N) looked up at Jason's red helmet once again. "But now he's back,"

"(Y/N), I-" Jason began, only to be cut off by his soulmate. "Look, it was probably for a good cause. I don't want to know the details. It was in the past,"

Jason nodded, looking back up at the night sky alon with her. Her fingers slipped into his, their gloved hands intertwining.

"Hey Jay?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Ya?" Jason answered, his eyes not parting from the sky.

"You're not going to leave again, are you?" Her voice was shaky and uncertain.

Jason shook his head, pulling her into his chest, there eyes still stuck to the start night laid out before them. "Never again (C/N/N), never again."

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