Match Made In Hell [] Robin

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Requested by homelsesspikacho

(G/F/N) = Guy Friend Name

(J/N) = Job Name

(F/N) = Friend Name

Sorry this isn't the best but I hope you like it!


Damian Wayne and (Y/N) (L/N), a match made in heaven.

Or so everyone thought.


I was walking back from a job interview when it started to rain. Walking faster, the apartment complex loomed over me as I walked faster. Praying to god that I was home before Damian, I broke into a run, ignoring the rain. Running up the rickety stairs, I ran to unlock the apartment door.

Throwing the door open, I was met by Damian's chest. "D-Damian, I-"

"Where were you?! Where you with that (G/F/N)?!" He demanded, the door slamming behind me as my eyes widened in fear.

"N-no! I w-was at an interview!" I stuttered.

"For what?!"


"Oh sure you did! You could never get that!" Tears started streaming down my face as he started yelling nasty comments at me.

"S-stop! Please!" I sobbed. He turned his back to me, running his hand through his raven dark hair. "D-damian p-please stop!" A sudden sharp pain erupted from my face as it was stricken to the left.

Damian stood in front of me, wide eyed. "(Y-Y/N), I-I'm-"

"No! I have had enough!" I sobbed. "You have hurt me too much! This is it! We are over! I don't care if you hurt me anymore! Just leave me be!" Swinging the door open and running out the door.

"(Y/N)! Wait!" Damian cried after me. He grabbed my wrist, pulling me back as I was half way down the hall. "No! I hate you! Let go of me!"

"(Y/N) please, hear me out."

"No Damian!" I sobbed, falling to my knees. I rocked myself back and forth, hugging my knees. He tried to wrap his arms around me, but I flinched away.

"(Y/N), please. I'm so sorry. I-I lost control. Please..." He pleaded.

I shook my head, trying to stand up. My whole body was shaking as I walked down the hall, trying to compose myself.

"(Y/N), please!" He called after me. I ignored him as I walked out of the building and onto the streets, where I instantly became nonexistent.


Weeks later, I was in a nirvana I never had. Without Damian, I was free. I was, happy.

(B/F/N) let me crash at her place for a couple of weeks, and I did get the job, so I was doing pretty good.

Tonight (B/F/N), (F/N), (G/F/N), and (G/F/N) decided to take me clubbing, much to my contradiction and complaints.

So there I was, in a showy dress with stilettos that hurt like hell, my hair done, makeup on my face, and a drink in my hand. Observing the crowd, my eyes landed on the one person I hated the most.

Damian Wayne.

Telling (G/F/N) and (B/F/N), they asked me if I wanted to leave, but i didn't want to be the party pooper, so i said I would stay. That was my mistake.

Not even minutes after (G/F/N) and (B/F/N) left me to go dance, Damian came over. "(Y/N), good to see you. You look lovely as always."

I snorted. "Hello Douche Bag, I see you've returned again from your shitwhole." Pealing off the bar stool, I sashayed onto the dance floor. Swaying my hips, I ran my hand through my hair, my arms seemingly reaching for the ceiling. Surrounded by bodies, I felt light headed, and a little weird, but I put that all aside.

Bodies grinder against each other as someone whispered in my ear. "Beloved, if you are trying to-"

I whipped around. "I am not your beloved, and I am not trying to do anything but dance, so get lost."

Sighing, he 'got lost'. I smiled, knowing that he wouldn't have to 'get lost' much longer.

Or that I was drunk. Either one works really.


Sorry this was so bad. I probably do another one that will just be sad and have emotions (my old enemy.) Anyway, I'll probably get it done tomorrow or today, seeing that it is nearly 4am.

Happy Holidays or Cheers!


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