Hi [] Damian Wayne Part 2

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Requested by @IAmAJinchuuriki
@NaomiEllaSabari @itsfireme

You're going to need go read the first part to understand this.


"A familiar feeling began to spread over me. The tingling starting in my fingertips, spreading throughout my entire body filling it with power as my heart drums in my ears. For the first time in a long time, I felt alive, I felt free."

"My god," Carter said. "I asked you how your day was, not how your orgasm was."

"Carter!" (Y/N) scolded her older brother. "That is inappropriate!"

"So? The only people in the car are you and me." (Y/N) rolled her eyes as he turned to the left.

"I do not care."

"Yeah, well neither do I." Crossing her arms, (Y/N) slumped down in her seat with a huff. "So. How is that, Damian boy?"

"Um," (Y/N) began. She hadn't told her family about her fallout with Damian, even if they hadn't been seeing each other for a while.

"You broke if off, didn't you." Carter sighed, coming to a red light. (Y/N) nodded as he stepped on the gas once again. "I knew that boy was trouble. He was way out of your league."

"Hey! I take offense to that!"

"And, once again." Carter said as he pulled up in front of their apartment. "I don't care."


"(Y/N)!" Megan exclaimed as she entered the Watchtower.

"Hey, Megan." (Y/N) replied with less enthusiasm.

"What's wrong?" Megan asked as she walked beside (Y/N).


"That is a lie."

"Ugh," (Y/N) sighed. "Fine. I'm stressed. Exams are coming up, and my science teacher demands that I do the science fair, which is pointless. Plus, scouts are popping up everywhere."


"They're people from different colleges who come to sports games as representatives for the college and try and recruit players."

"Oh. What sport do you play?"

"So-" (Y/N) was cut off by a crash, and a lot of yelling.

"Get back here, Allen!"


Running out of the hallway, Bart hid behind (Y/N). "Bart? What's going on?"

"He's going to kill me!" Bart replied, tugging on (Y/N)'s sleeves.


Just then, Damian came thundering out of the hallway, his Robin ensemble graffitied with spray paint and glitter. (Y/N) burst out laughing as she took one look at him.

Bart stood up from behind her, a smug smile on his face. "Hmph." He narrowed his eyes at Damian as Damian stood still, paralyzed by (Y/N).

I forgot how beautiful her smile was. He thought, his eyes softening at the sight.

(Y/N) soon stopped laughing, giving Bart a high five. She looked at Damian quizzically, her head tilted to the side. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, um." Damian snapped out of his daze, scrambling to come up with something. "He graffitied my suit?"

"We can tell." (Y/N) replied, a small smirk on her face as she nodded.

"Yes, well. I'm going to go."



The car siren blared as (Y/N) slammed into it. "Well that's helpful," She muttered, wiping the blood from her mouth.

"Face it. You can't win." Deathstroke bellowed, dropping down onto the pavement. "You're to weak."

(Y/N) glared at him as she brandished her weapon. "You kidding? I could do this all day."

Damian then swung into the fight, managing to land a decent punch onto Deathstroke's jaw. "It's the middle of the night."

"Not the point."

"Yes, well the point is you're not going to last another hit." Damian said, fighting off Deathstroke as Megan and Conner appeared.

"Says who?" (Y/N) exclaimed defensively.

"Says the hobo you're leaning on." Conner added, picking (Y/N) up.

"Oh. Sorry sir!" She exclaimed, her head spinning as Conner jumped up into Megan's ship.

Megan was able to get Damian into the ship as well, the four of them speeding off.

"(Y/N)!" Damian exclaimed as soon as they where safely away from Deathstroke. "You could have died!"

"Psh," (Y/N) said, "Na man."

"What are you on?"

"She's been drugged." Megan explained. "When she first attempted to defeat Deathstroke, he was able to drug her. Right now the side affects are kicking in or wearing off."

"Oh," Was all Damian managed to say as he sat next to her.

"Damian?" (Y/N) whispered as she placed her head on his shoulder.

"Yes?" He asked, looking down at her.

"I love yooou!" Damian inhaled sharply. He still was yet to get over their relationship.


"I said I love you, silly." With those final words, she dozed off, leaving Damian to contemplate what had just happened.

"I love you too," He whispered, placing his head gently atop hers. Giving her a small kiss on the forehead, he began to doze off as well.

"Aww!" Megan whispered. "They're so cute!"

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