Trust Issues [] Batfam

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Requested by Rose5489

(G/F/N) - Guy Friend Name


I let out a groan, falling onto my back. "You let your guard down. Work on that, because-"

"I don't need tips from you," I spat, looking up at Grayson. I picked myself up from off the ground, limping out of the cave.

"Sorry for trying to help," He spat back behind me.

I mounted my bike that was parked in the garage, then sped off.


"I'm an assasian! This is what I do!" I argued, slaming my palms on the granite counters.

"Not if you're going to be living under this roof young lady!" Bruce countered back.

"Excuse me?" Todd asked, walking into the kitchen, followed by his brothers. "No way another Demon Spawn is going to be living here!"

"For once the I actually agree Dildo Head!" I added, turning back to Bruce.

"You are staying here, and that is the end of it!" Bruce roared, stalking out of the kitchen.

I let out a groan and started walking in the opposite direction. "Hey, Demon Spawn Two, wait up."

Another groan left my lips as I turned to face Todd. "What Todd?"

"Did you call me a fucking Dildo Head?" He snapped.

"Yes, I did." I snapped back. "Got a problem with that?"

Drake placed a hand on his shoulder as they quickly exchanged glances. "No," Todd replied through his gritted teeth. "Not at all,"


I sighed, my eyes darting from place to place as the night sky stood behind me.

"(H/N), there's a robery at the Gotham Bank. You're the closest," Bruce's voice echoed through my skull.

"I am aware," I replied, standing up.

"So go stop it!" Todd exclaimed.

"Fine, jeez," I scoffed, jumping off the building. My feet landed on the hard pavement not long after and I broke out spriting.

"Did you just jump off a three story building?" Drakes voice said through my com.

I smirked, my feet sliding to a stop as I stood in front of the bank. "Maybe,"

Three thugs ran out of the building, bags of cash in their hands. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me.

I gave them a small smirk, placing my hands in my hips. "Hiya boys!"


I popped up, dusting my hands off.

"Childs work," Wayne said, coming out of the shadows.

I rolled my eyes, turning to the little Demon Spawn. "I bet you couldn't have found out that these men where stealing for Falcone,"

"And why would they be doing that?" Wayne replied.

"Because he is a sitting duck at the moment. No security, his family has abandoned him, and best of all, Falcone is broke."

"Falcone's broke?" Drake exclaimed, comig out of the shadows. The three goons struggled and started yelling as the sirens grew closer.

"I suggest we talk about this somewhere more, descret." I replied.

Drake nodded, "Agreed,"


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