Hi [] Damian Wayne

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Requested by Saddie27


"Okay, there is no way Demon Spawn got a girl," said Jason, crossing his arms.

Damian glared at Jason, mimicking his actions. "I'm 16, stop calling me that."

"I'll stop when you admit that you could never land a girl." Dick rolled his eyes at Jason's childish actions, adding to the conversation.

"Jason, stop. Just accept it." Jason then took his turn rolling his eyes, stalking out of the room. 

Dick put his hand on Damian's shoulder. "I'm sure she's lovely,"


"Damian, piss off."

Damian gave (Y/N) a smirk, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "You wish," (Y/N) rolled her eyes, a small smile dancing on her lips.  "You're so weird," 

Damian let out a laugh as the hum of music played in the background. "I'm only weird for you,"

(Y/N) crossed her arms, rolling her eyes. "You are cliche, how about that."

Damian let out a chuckle, pecking (Y/N) on the forehead. "You're adorable when you're annoyed."

(Y/N) abruptly stood up, placing her hands on her hips. "Meanie," Walking out of the room, she left Damian on the couch.

"Hey," Damian called out. "Come back!"


Hours later, (Y/N) had left the Wayne Manor, leaving Damian to take up his mantle as Robin. The night was a usual, cold night. Robbers and thieves were running around the city like mice as he and his father flew over it, both a bit bored.

"Batman, Robin, Deathstroke has been spotted near the Gotham Art Gallery. He has someone with him, be careful." Barbara spoke into their coms. 

"Finally," Damian muttered. "Some action,"

Bruce and Damian hurried over to the Art Gallery, to find Deathstroke, accompanied by a girl. "Batman and Robin!" Deathstroke bellowed, grabbing the girl by his side. "You think you know all. But what you don't know, is that there is a spy amongst your inner circle!" 

Lifting the girl's head up by her hair, Damian let out a small gasp. "(Y/N)?" She looked at him, her eyes pleading for help.

Deathstroke threw her onto the ground as Bruce began to fight with him. Damian ran towards (Y/N) as she tried to explain herself. "(Y/N), stop. Do not try to explain,"

Damian took (Y/N) back to the Wayne Manor, reluctant to talk to her. "Damian, please. Just talk to me,"

"Damian," (Y/N) reached out to cup his face, but her hand was slapped away. "I... I'm not going to make up excuses. I know what I did was wrong. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I'm just asking you to look at me. Tell me something, anything."

"Fine, (Y/N)! You want me to talk! I'll talk!" He burst out, "Why would you associate yourself, with him?! He's a villain! A bad guy! Why are you even in a costume? Don't you know how dangerous this is? Why are you doing this?!"

(Y/N) let out a sad sigh, beginning to explain all of it. "He... He took me hold for three days. Hurt me, tourtured me. I caved. I never wanted to do any of it." Damian looked away from her, his thoughts going faster than the Flash. 

Leaving from the Batcave, he disappeared without a word. 


3 Months Later                                                                                                                                                                         Happy Harbor

"Team, gather up." said Batman, entering the Watch Tower. The Team poured into the main area, awaiting the news. A girl stepped out from behind Batman's figure, her (E/C) eyes. "Team, this is (Y/N) (L/N), otherwise known as (H/N)."

She was met with a chorus of introductions. Finally, Damian stepped up after everyone had left. "Hi, (Y/N),"

(Y/N) looked up at Damian, giving him a sad smile. "Hi,"

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