Love Potions [] Blue Beetle

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Requested by CedarWood120

This will be steamy, but I'm not good at this stuff so just a little heads up.


I sipped my tea, the sweet fumes escaping the cup and invading me. I was at peace.

Just then, something tingled through my body. I new I shouldn't have accepted anything from Bart, even if it was my favorite tea.

My mind seemed to fog up as I set the mug down. I groaned as I rubbed my temples.

3rd Person POV

(Y/N) seemed to be on some sort of high as she practically floated throughout Mount Justice.

As (Y/N) made her way back to her room, she bumped into Jaime, a giggle escaping her lips as they became captivated in each other's eyes.

"H-hey Jaime." (Y/N) giggled once again, blushing.

"Hey (Y/N)." Jaime replied, smiling. (Y/N) placed a hand on Jaime's chest as she giggled. "So, I was thinking, kiss me?"

"Si." Jaime replied, grabbing her waist and pulling her in for a captivating kiss. (Y/N) tangled her hands in his hair as Jaime pushed her up against the wall, their lips not parting from each other. Jaime pulled away for a second only to catch his breath. "Jump."

(Y/N) jumped up, wrapping her legs around Jaime's waist as they pulled each other impossibly closer. (Y/N) moaned as Jaime's lips traveled down her jaw and onto her neck, gently bitting onto her skin. He left hickeys as she moaned even more. Jaime pushed the (Y/N)'s bedroom door open as the tumbled in, the door locking behind them.

Bart and Robin looked at each other as they had finished observing from around the corner. "What have we done?!"


Nightwing walked pasted (Y/N)'s room as he made his way to the kitchen. He stopped as he heard a faint noise. It was the sound of people moaning and yelling.

He face palmed as he walked on.


The next day, (Y/N) woke up tangled in bed sheets, her lower area hurting like hell.

She blinked, rubbing her eyes as she sat up, the blankets falling from her. She heard a groan from beside her as Jaime sat up. Her eyes got wide as she shrieked, covering herself up.

"What have we done?!"


In the kitchen of Mount Justice that morning, Bart and Robin where getting a serious scolding from Nightwing. "YOU DID WHAT?!

The two younger boys smiled sheepishly as the tried to make some words come out of their mouths.

"Um, well..." Robin began.

"Wedrugged(Y/N)andJaimewithalovepoitionsothattheywouldlikeachotherbuttheyhadsexinstead." Bart blurted.

"Bats is going to kill all of us." Nightwing groaned, rubbing his temples.

"Let's just see if (Y/N) can walk..." Robin said.

"Not the point!" Nightwing snapped.

Over in (Y/N)'s room, Jaime stood outside (Y/N)'s room, his fist slamming on the door. "(Y/N)! Come on! We can talk this out rationally!"

"Go away!" She yelled back. Jaime sighed, giving up after many minutes.

He sulked over to the kitchen, where Bart and Robin confessed what they did.

"I'm going to kill you..." Jaime whispered. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!"

Robin and Bart ran for their life as Nightwing tried to hold Jaime back.

(Y/N) laughed as she overheard Jaime's reaction. That was the only thing she heard, but let's just say, Robin and Bart where never the same after they confessed to her. She nearly did kill them, but that was the least of their worries...

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