Soon [] Aqualad

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Requested by TheSunlightDancer

Sorry this is short.


"(H/N), you're Beta. You'll be going solo, seeing as we are spread thin." Nightwing began, "Your mission is simple. We have intel that the Light and the Reach have created some sort of secret base in the swamps of New Orleans. You just observe and report. No unnecessary moves."

(Y/N) simply nodded, yet her thoughts were swirling around in her brain like a storm.


"What is that?!" (Y/N) cried, attempting to keep her voice down. The ground seemingly opened up from beneath her as she began falling.

With a thud, she landed on some sort of launch pad, surrounded by Crolotains. They croaked and screeched as she scrambled up, reaching for her (W/C).

Branishing her weapon around at the aliens, they began to screech even louder as some sort of alarm went off.

"What is the matter?" A man in a black armored suit questioned as he rushed to the launch pad. "(Y/N)...."

"How do you know my name?!" The hero exclaimed, getting in a fighting position.

"I have intel on everyone in your, social club of a team." The man said.

(Y/N) narrowed her eyes at the black and red clad man, gripping

"My leader! We must go!" A soldier exclaimed, running towards the ship.

"Soon," The man said, yielding. "We will fight again."

He ran off, leaving (Y/N) in the cavern. "Wait!" She ran off after him, grasping at nothing. "Who are you...?"


"There where supposed to be no unnecessary moves!" Nightwing scolded.

"It wasn't my fault!" (Y/N) exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "I'm telling you! The ground opened up, and some how I got stuck in a cavern with this dude in some sort of crazy tech and secret layer!"

"Ugh," Nightwing groaned, rubbing his hands on his face. "Just, go hit the showers."

(Y/N) reluctantly did as she was told, the man's words still ringing in her ears.


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