Bucket Head [] Nightwing

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Requested by Shadowhuntergirl08


The day was shitty to begin with.

I had woken up to find it was 9, three hours after I was supposed to be at work. I rushed to get ready and didn't even bother getting breakfast when my room mate pointed out that my pants where split right on my ass crack. I don't know how, but they where. I just tied my flannel around my waist, rushing out the door and to the street, where I conveniently got splashed on by a car and a puddle.

Then, not a single cab would pull over, and I had to get an Uber. And when I did get to my job, the people of Bludhaven where just not having a good day. Not a single one.

When my shift as a waitress was over, I rushed home only to get captured by none other than the Red Hood.

So, here I am, sitting in an abandoned warehouse, tied to a chair, with some looney trying to lure Richard here.

"So, you got anything to do around here?" I pestered.

"No, now will you shut up before I have to hurt you?" Red Hood replied.

"If you hurt me, Nightwing is going to be very mad." Bucket Head made his way over to me, looking me in the eyes. At least, I think so.

"Listen lady, you better shut that trap before I stick my gun in your mouth."

I snorted. "That's what he said." A sharp pain arose on my cheek as my head was thrown to the side. I turned back to Bucket Head. "Ow." He raised his hand again, only to be interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hitting a lady? Now that's a new low." I smirked as Bucket Head turned to see Richard.

"At least I don't keep secrets from my girl." Bucket Head snorted.

"I don't." I smiled at Bucket Head as he whipped his head from Richard and back to me over and over again.

"Wait, you told her?"

"Yep, now, let her go before I have to beat you." Richard said rather cockily.

"Try me." Bucket Head said, readying his guns. Richard took his eskrima sticks out as they both got into fight position. Guns ablaze, Bucket Head charged.


Richard untied my restrains as I said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, now, shall we get out of here?" I smiled, "We shall indeed."

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped one arm around my waist. Aiming his grappling hook, we where off.

Adrenaline flowed through me as we seemingly soared through the night. The adrenaline slowly faded as we landed on top of a building. I let go of Richard, staring in awe at the skyline of Bludhaven.

He came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me as I leaned back into his chest. "It's beautiful..."

"Ya, you are." I laughed.

"You could not have been any cheesier." We both laughed as I turned to face him. Draping my arms around his neck, I pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Our lips moved in sync as he pulled me closer. All to soon, he pulled away, resting his forehead on mine.


"Yes Richard?"

He chuckled. "I love you."

"I love you too." He placed his lips onto mine not a moment later, and it seemed like we where the only people in the world.

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