Method To The Madness [] Harley Quinn and Nightwing

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Requested by stephanieonfire


Dick and I stood back to back, surrounded by Harley's "Quintets".

"We have five people trying to kill us right now, what are we supposed to do?" I asked him, thrusting my weapon at the black and red clad maniacs.

"Actually," Dick began, "It's more like eight."

I rolled my eyes, standing in a normal stance and turning to face him, throwing my hands in the air. "Oh, sorry I wasn't specific enough!"

"Behind-" Dick had started before I did a back handspring, twisting around to punch one of the maniacs in the face, sending him onto his ass.

"NO! NOT FAIR!" Harley screeched, popping up from her position on a neighboring rooftop.

I mistakingly stole a glance at her, a Quintet taking his turn to punch me in the face.

I stumbled back, Dick beginning to fight the other Quintets.

I charged at the one who had hit me, dodged a punch, then slammed my fists into his stomach.

"NO!" Harley cried as we took down her group of sidekicks, one by one.

Soon, the Quintets were in a heap, Harley fuming with anger. She came to our rooftop, her malet in hand. "NOT FAIR!"

I slowly backed up towards the ledge. "You know, I'll just let you handle this."

Dick rolled his eyes, giving me a glare to rival Bruce's. "Thanks," He replied through his gritted teeth.

I gave him a nod, leaning against the ledge to watch the scene. "This isn't fair!" Harley screeched.

"Harley, calm down and no harm will come to you." Dick said, his usual joking tone dissapearing.

Harley giggled, charging at Dick with her malet raised above her. Dick caught her hands, stopping the malet from hitting him. I saw him whisper something to Harley, and in reply, she nodded, lowering the malet.

She skipped off into the distances as I was left to wonder: What the hell just happened?!

"What just happened?" I demenaded, pealing off the ledge and over to Dick, where he was looking into the distance the way Harley had left.

"Well, you know what they say." Dick started, "There is always a method to the madness."

I rolled my eyes at him. "You are so cliche,"

Dick nodded in response. "Thanks you, thank you very much."

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