How Bad Can It Really Be? [] Aqualad Part 2

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Requested by Aquababe44

The image is not my collage. I did not make it. Same with every every pic I use. And sorry this is über short.


"Dick, I don't think that this is right." I said, swinging my legs as we waited for Kal.

"I know," The black and blue clad hero sighed. "But it's the best option."

"Is it?"

"Yes." Kal said, emerging from the shadows.

"Hey Kal." I said as happy as I could. Jumping down from my previous spot and onto the hard floor.

"Hello (Y/N)," Kal smiled, engulfing me in a bittersweet hug.

When we parted, Kal asked if Dick had the necklace.

"I still don't like this." I argued as a final attempt to change the boys minds.

"Neither do I, but it seems like the best option."

I sighed as Dick placed the necklace around my neck, chuckling. "You have no idea how much persuasion this took me to get Zatanna to make it without any questions."

"I still don't trust Z, I mean, I like her and all, bit there's just something not really authentic about her." I replied as he connected the two chains holding the necklace intact.

"I know," Dick sighed pityfully.

I stepped away from Dick, putting a halfhearted smile on my face. "Well, how bad can this plan really be?"

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