Devious Little Angel [] Red Hood

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Requested by grayangel_1294

Warning: Profanity ahead.


"Hey (B/F/N)!" I answered, the phone pressing against my ear. My legs where draped on Jason's lap as I watched him play video games with Roy.

"Hey (Y/N)! I need a favor!" She replied.

I sighed. "Before you ask, no, I will not be a Drag King." Both Jay and Roy shot me weird looks as I shrugged.

"No, even though-"

"Don't even." I replied.

She giggled. "Anyway, I was wondering, you want to play Kiss, Fuck, Kill!"

"That's your favor?" I asked.

"Yep!" She exclaimed.

I sighed. "I'm so bored, why not."

"Hey! We offered you a remote!" Jason said in protest. I placed the phone on my shoulder.

"Yes, but I don't want to play Forza Horizon 3." I retorted, putting the phone back near my ear. "Okay, shoot."

"Nightwing, Red Hood, Arsenal," I laughed out of irony.

"H-hold on," I said through the phone, getting up.

"Where you going?" Jason asked.

"To the kitchen," I replied, not bothering to take the phone away from my ear. I walked to the kitchen, leaning on the counter, my devious plan coming into place. "Okay, I would kiss Red Hood, kill Arsenal, and fuck Nightwing."

"WHAT?!" Jason roared from the living room, throwing the remote onto the couch and jumping over it.

"I find offense to that!" Roy called out as he left.

"To bad!" I called after him. "(B/F/N), I gotta go."

She sighed. "You're in deep shit, aren't you?"

"Deepest of the deep." I replied, hanging up the phone and looking Jason in the eye. "Can I help you?"

"What the fuck do you mean you would fuck Dick?!" He growled. I shrugged, walking past him and plopping onto the couch. Grabbing the remote, I changed it back to regular TV.

"You heard what I said. Plus, (B/F/N) asked me if I wanted to play K,F,K, and being the person I am, I didn't turn her down." I said.

"That does not mean under any circumstance that you fuck my brother!" He roared, grabbing the remote and chucking it at the TV, turning it off.

"I-I-" I stuttered, fear starting to over come me as Jason loomed over me. He sighed, seeing the affect that his actions were having over me. Sitting down next to me, he grabbed my hips, placing me on his lap.

"(Y/N), you're never going to leave me for Dick, right?" He asked.

I laughed. "No! Dick is like my brother!"


"Because I knew it would make you jealous, and you get so damn sexy and hot when you're jealous." I replied, smirking.

He smirked up at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer, our lips connecting. I let him take control immediately, his hands running down my back, cupping my ass.

When we parted, he placed his forehead against mine. "My devious little angel."

I smirked, pulling him for another kiss. Only when we parted once again, did I answer him. "I know," He ran his hands under my shirt, practically tearing it off as he took off his.

Our lips stayed connected as he stood up, my legs wrapping around his waist. Walking towards our room, his lips made their way down my jaw and neck, leaving hickeys at nearly every place they touched. I moaned in pleasure as he kicked the door open. He then pushed the door closed, sprawling me on the bed as the door clicked behind us, and the real fun began.

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