A Drunken Jason [] Batfam

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Requested by Rose589

(N/N) - Nick Name


I sat down, the shop unusually quiet. "Hey Shawn, you-" I started.

The door then was thrown open, my brother Jason strutting into the parlor, drunk might I add. "I," he started, "Would like a tatoo that says, "Fuck you Bruce"."

I looked to my co worker, Shawn, who shrugged. Turning back to Jason, I sighed. "We don't give tatoos to drunk people."

"I ain't drunk!" He exclaimed, slumping down into a chair. He raised he beer bottle, as if he was going to gove a toast. "I'm alive, and it fucking sucks."

"Okay, that's enough for you." I replied, getting up and swippong the beer bottle out of his hands.

"Hey! Give it back!" He whined.

I whipped out my phone, calling Dick. "Hey (N/N)! What's up?" Dick answered.

"Hey, so, I have a drunk Jason in my parlor, and well, he's drunk." I replied.

I heard Dick sigh on the other side of the call. "Where are you?"

"The tatoo parlor off of Main Street." I replied.

"Tatoo parlor?" He asked.

"I'll explain later. Just get here ASAP as possible." I replied.

"Have you been watching The Office?"

"Maybe, bye!" I exclaimed, quickly hanging up.

I turned back to Jason to see him sobbing about his unicorn Mr. Sprinklepants. "Um," I looked over at Shawn for some help, but he shrugged at me once again.

I groaned, sitting down next to Jason. "Er, there there?"

He sniffled a sob. "Why did he have to leave?"

I akwardly patted Jason on the back as I awaited Dick.

Jason sobbed onto my shoulder as I gave Shawn a desperate look. "I'm just going to-" Shawn started, getting up.

"Leave you're fired." I snapped. He slowly sat back down.

The door opened to reveal Dick, along with Bruce, Tim, and Damian. "Why the hell-" I began, only to get cut off my Dick.

"Sorry I'm late, Tim insisted I get everyone." Dick said, sittiv down next to Jason. "You okay Jason?"

"Uh, hu," Jason replied, nodding his head.

"Good. Now, (Y/N) if you'd care to explain why you are in a tatoo parlor," Dick stated, turning to me.

"What? I got to make a living!" I protested.

"Tt," Damian said. "A poor way to make a living."

"Better than being beat up by girls every night." I shot back.

"That was one time!-" Damian started.

"Damian, calm down." Bruce said, puttig a hand on his youngest sons shoulder. "(Y/N), this job is your decision and we will not judge."

"Thank you," I nodded.

"Just don't "hook up" with that guy." He said, out of character. A smirk played across his face as mine flsuhed.

"He- I-" I stuttered.

"Well,  we'll take Jason. Thanks (Y/N)!" Tim thanked as they left.

Shawn and I where left standing in the parlor, dumbstruck. "Ya, okay."

"So, about that-" Shawn started.

I cut him off, saying, "Not a word. Not a single word."

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