Freaky Friday [] Bruce Wayne

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Requested by Musical_Lady_7

Written by PrincessStarWars

I don't own the tittle.


It all started with Poison Ivy and her stupid pheromones. Both you and Bruce had gotten caught in them.

"Ivy! What have you done?" you demanded, coughing. Ivy smiled.

"What's the fun in telling you now?" she said. Batman knocked her out soon afterwards. When you returned to the Bat Cave, Bruce had Alfred take some blood from both of you, and had Tim analyze it to check for anything Ivy's pheromones could have given you.

"How's it coming, Timmy?" you said, laying a hand on his shoulder and handing him a fresh cup of coffee.

"Nothing, so far, Mom", he reported. He swiveled around in his chair. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" You leaned down and kissed the top of his head.

"No, I'm fine", you said. "Just let me know if you find anything, okay?" Tim nodded and went back to work. You changed out of your suit and headed upstairs, crawling into bed with Bruce.

"Anything yet?" he asked, wrapping an arm around you and leaning back. You snuggled closer to him, his body radiating warmth.

"Nope", you sighed. "Guess we'll find out in the morning". Bruce leaned down and kissed you.

"Good night, Y/N".

"Good night, Batman".

The next morning, you woke up, feeling completely off. You slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom to find... yourself? You glanced in the mirror and saw Bruce. You lifted your hand to your face, and so did Bruce.

"Oh my gosh... Bruce, did we switch...?"

"Bodies? Yes", he said grimly.

"These must've been the side effects Ivy's pheromones had", you said. "What are we supposed to do?" Bruce sighed.

"I'll ask Tim to try and find a cure", he said. "For now, we'll just have to be each other". You grinned.

"I've always wondered what being Batman is like", you said. You both walked to the kitchen together, where the boys were eating. Dick screamed when he saw you and Bruce, Jason burst out laughing, and Tim and Damian stared in shock.

"Mom! Bruce! What, what happened to you?" Dick said, gesturing to your switched bodies. You and Bruce exchanged glances.

"We switched bodies", you said at the same time. Bruce looked at Tim.

"Tim, could you try to find a cure as soon as possible?" he asked. Tim, still in shock, nodded before going to the Bat Cave to create a cure. You groaned at the soreness in your, er, Bruce's body.

"Geez, Bruce", you said. "Batman takes a lot of shots". You glanced over to see Bruce with his, your, legs crossed, with an uncomfortable look on his (your) face. You stifled a laugh.

"Bruce, has your, um, my period started?" Bruce simply glared at you while Jason and Dick snickered quietly at the table, and Damian scoffed and went back to eating.

"I'll call Babs", Dick said, trying not to laugh. Bruce glared at the boys, too, before walking out of the room. You both decided to stay at the manor. Tim stayed in the Bat Cave, still researching, while Dick, Jason, Damian, and of course, Alfred helped take care of you and Bruce. Especially Bruce. Finally, it was time for patrol again. You stepped into the Batman suit. Meanwhile, Bruce was laying on a medical table, groaning in pain.

"Oh, stop whining", you said. "Tim should have a cure in a little bit. Right, Timmy?" Tim nodded distractedly. You climbed into the Batmobile and stared at the controls in front of you, completely overwhelmed. Eventually, you got things to a rough start and drove cautiously out of the cave and out into Gotham. An alert popped up in front of you, saying that the Joker and Harley Quinn were robbing a bank nearby. You drove over and hopped out.

"Ah, the big bad bat is here!" The Joker said. "Take care of him, Harley".

"With pleasure, Mistah J!" Harley said, jumping up and rushing towards you with her mallet. You dodged her first swing, and kicked her in the face. While you continued to fight, the Joker was beginning to sense that something was off about "Batman". You knocked Harley out, sending her and her now broken mallet skidding across the ground, and turned to the Joker, who was brandishing a knife.

"What's wrong with you today, Bats?" he asked, taking a jab at you. "I know we all have our off days, but you? You never quit! Usually by this time, I would be in another full body cast!" The Joker laughed at his own joke.

"Today's been a crazy day", you said, kicking the Joker's legs out from under him and pinning him down with your foot on his chest. "Crazier than you". By the time the police arrived and arrested Harley and Joker, you were long gone, back to the Bat Cave, where Tim miraculously had the cure. Bruce was still laying on the medical table.

"Mom, I got the cure!" Tim said, handing you a small glass. "You just have to drink this!" He handed Bruce one, and you both drank at the same time. You closed your eyes, and when you opened them, you were back in your body again, and Bruce was back in his.

"Oh, thank God", you breathed out. Jason came down to the Cave.

"I'm dead, again! Bruce on his period was the best thing I've ever seen!" Jason laughed. Bruce pulled you, still wearing the Batman suit, into a hug and kissed you.

"We are never switching bodies again". 

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