Secrets [] Green Lantern

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Requested by Rene_is_siren


"HAL JORDAN!" (Y/N) roared, the door slamming behind her as she stormed into the living room.

Unfazed, she was meet by the Justice League.

Immediately, she was able to pinpoint Hal, marching over to him. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!"

"I- Um-" Hal stuttered, terrified for what was yet to come.

"I WAS WAITING FOR YOU IN THE POURING RAIN FOR AN HOUR! A WHOLE FUCKING HOUR! I THEN WALKED TEN MILES, AND-" She stopped mid sentence, finally realizing his outfit. "What the hell are you wearing?"

"(Y/N)-" Hal started as (Y/N) looked around at the superbeings.

"And why the fuck is the Justice League in my living room?" (Y/N) interrupted, looking at the festively outfited heroes.

"I'll just go..." Flash added, slipping out of the room in a flash.

Batman gave (Y/N) a respective nod, following Flash out. Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter all followed Batman, leaving Hal to face (Y/N).

"So," (Y/N)  started, crossig her arms and glaring up at Hal. "You're Green Lantern."

"One of them," Hal tried to revocer desperately. "But, ya."

(Y/N) pushed past Hal, faceplanting onto the couch in a dramatic fashion. "(Y/N)?" Hall muttered after a few moments, kneeling down next to her.

"Go away," (Y/N) spoke into the cushion.

"Are you mad?" Hal asked cautiously, placing a hand on her back.

His hand was retracted quickly as (Y/N) flipped over, glaring daggers at him. "What do you think?"

She let her head fall onto the couch cushion as she stared up at the celling. "I think that..." Hal started, pausing for a moment. "I'm sorry," He sighed, "I should have told you sooner. I was just trying to protect you."

(Y/N) met Hal's eyes with a suspicious stare. "Promise it wasn't some sort of set up or something like that?"

Hal nodded, taking her hand. "I promise. And from now own, no more secrets."

(Y/N) smiled at Hal, apreciative towards his kind gestures. "Good, now, as for dinner."

(Y/N) sat up, Hal letting out a small chuckle. "Oh, no..."

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