Always Here For You [] Batfam Part 2

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Requested by Brownybytz and TheDiamondGirl

I am trying to get to everyone's requests, but I am probably not going to reply to any of them because too many replies and it just sounds fake. I do see all of them, and I am writing them down, don't worry.

(S/C) - Skin Color


My eyes shot open, an empty scream echoing throughout my body as the images flashed through my mind.

I threw the blanket covers off, my feet hitting the cold wood as I stood up, my frail legs trembeling under my weight.

I swung the door open, the cold air of the manor hitting my (S/C) skin.

The soft sound of my bare feet padding against the hard wood sounded throughout the hallway as I made my way towards Bruce's room.

My knuckles tapped against the closed door, my oversized onesie hand-me down from Dick hanging loosely on my frail frame.

The door swung open to reveal a sleep deprived Bruce. "Oh, um, I... I can come back later..."

The older man shook his head. "Don't worry," He studied me for a second. My tear stained cheeks and tousled hair with my bloodshot eyes, and it was easy to see what had happened. "Was it another nightmare?"

I nodded, looking at my covered feet, feeling microscopic compared to the Dark Knight. "(Y/N), you shouldn't be ashamed of that."

I heard another door open, a yawn following it. "What's going on?"

I turned my head to see a tired Jason. Another muffled voice followed his as he stuck his head back in his room. "Nevermind,"

His door closed shut, leaving Bruce and I to ponder on what had just happened.

The voices from Jason's room began to rise into several shouts, then the door burst open, and out poured Dick, Damian, Tim, Babs, Steph, Cass, and Duke.

I stood there, dumfounded at the parade of people who had just poured out of Jason's room.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)!" Dick greeted, walking towards me.

"What, what's going on?" I questioned, gesturing to the boatload of family behind him.

"Oh," He started, rubbig the back of his ndck nervously. "Well, you see, we were just coming up with a bunch of ways to make you happy!"

"What?" Bruce and I both asked quizically.

"Ya! And we were deciding what movies we should watch." He took out a slip of crumbpled paper from his pocket. "I chose 'The Little Mermaid', Jason chose 'Fast And Furious 7', Tim chose 'Casa Blanca', for some odd reason I will never understand. Damian chose '007', after much argument. Babs chose 'The Great Gatsby', Steph chose 'Magic Mike-"

"No," Brice imediatley interrupted, crossing his arms in a hostile manner.

"That's what I said, but noooo," Dick added. "Anyway, Cass chose 'Mulan', and Duke chose 'Die Hard'."

I smiled at my family, their efforts making me happy. "Thank you all so much,"

I was met with a chorus of "You're welcome,", and "No problem,".

"Now," I said, rubbing my hands together as if I had just made an outstanding epiphany. "Let's go watch some movies!"

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