Chaos At Its Finest [] Klarion

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Requested by @Allycat4458


(Y/N)'s laugh began to fill the silence as she sat in the cell. "You're all going to die!"

Green Lantern raised an eyebrow at her, secretly creeped out. "We're the Justice League." He said more as a question than a statement.

"Ah, yes. I'm aware." Replied (Y/N) as she met his eyes. "Yet, you also just kidnapped me. And I happen to know some very dangerous people." She said with a smile.

"She's creeping me out," The Flash whispered. Green Lantern nodded in agreement as they turned away.

Suddenly, the whole Watch Tower groaned as it tilted severely to the side. People began to run around as chaos ensued all around them.

(Y/N) stood up, her eyes darting around. "Klarion, I know you're there."

"You shouldn't have gone out alone." Klarion spoke out from the shadows.

"I'm not your property." Argued (Y/N) as she crosses her arms.

"I'm not saying you are. What I'm saying is that you need to tell me before you go and try to kill a hero. Nevertheless a Justice League hero."

(Y/N) sighed, dropping her hands to her sides. "Okay,"

Klarion let out a chuckle before wrapping an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders. "Isn't it great?"

They looked out at the chaotic scene before them, sinister smiles on both of their faces. (Y/N) nodded, "It's chaos at its finest."

Ok this is pretty bad but idc. I'm jet lagged and tired as hell even tho I wanna stay up. Send help.

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