Okay? Okay, [] Robin

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Requested by Nightshade004


"No way!" I laughed, clutching my stomach as Dick and I walked to the library.

"Ya! And then he fell on his butt and started throwing a tantrum!" Dick replied, laughing along with me.

His phone buzzed, and his face fell. "Sorry (Y/N), I have to go."

"Aw," I pouted. "Well, I'll see you later?"

He nodded. "Count on it."


I groaned, walking out of the library and into the freezing night.

I shouldered my bag once again, making my way back home.

After a few moments of peace, I felt someone grab my shoulder, pulling me into an allway.

Something cold pressed against my temple as a hand covered my mouth. "Give me your money."

I held my bag out to him, and as he reached for it, I brought my hands up, a gunshot echoing through the allway.

Twisting the mans arm, I heard the bullet hit the wall, then crumple to the ground as I flipped the man over onto his back, a small grunt escaping my lips.

He was out like a light. Quickly, I disarmed the gun, a figure dropped down in front of me.

"You never told me you could fight (Y/N)." Dick said, coming out of the shadows.

"You never asked?" I said hesitantly, pickig my bag up.

"Care to explain?" I sighed.

"I didn't want to tell you this because I'm still not sure how it is going to turn out but here it goes anyway." I bit my lip. "I'm (H/N)."

"Oh," He replied, running a hand through his raven black hair.


"It's Robin." He interupted, his voice cold as ice.

"Robin," I reached out to him, but he pulled away. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

I was met with silence. "Robin, look at me. Please," I urged him.

His eyes met mine, the whites of his mask blocking his brilliant blue orbs. "Just, don't get hurt, okay?"

Before I could answer, he grappled off, leaving me to wallow in regret. "Okay," I whispered to myself, making my way home.

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