Clue [] Nightwing

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Requested by kpkarlee


"You're kidding, right?" Dick asked, running a hand through his raven black hair.

(Y/N) shook her head. "Sorry,"

"Sorry?! Sorry won't cut it (Y/N)!" Dick roared back at her as she looked up at him, the rest of the evergrowing team watching.

(Y/N) sighed, "Goodbye Dick,"

He glared at her as she let her head fall, not glancing at anyone. They only new half the conversation. The other had happened through Dick and (Y/N)'s telepathic mind link.    

Dick ran a hand through his tousled hair once again. He then walked off, leavin the rest of the team to wonder what had happened.


The next few days (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen.

She wasn't picking up Dick's calls or text, and wasn't stopping by the cave.

As a last resort, Dick decided to visit her school.

He pulled up in his motorcycle to Smallville High not long after school had gotten out.

The hot sun stormed down on him as he wandered around, looking for (Y/N).

A scream was let out from the soccer team and laughs we're followed. "Veronica! What the hell?!" A voice cried out.

Dick's curiosity got the better of him as he started to make his way towards the field.

"What (Y/N)? It's the last day of school and you're a senior. We all are, and we just wanted to give the captain a little suprsise!" The girl who Dick presumed to be Veronica argued.

"Ya!" Another girl added.

A sigh was let out as Dick turned the corner to see a girls soccer team.

One girl had her back to him, covered in smile and drenched in some sort of liquid. "First, you guys kidnap me every day after school for the last week to go do team bonding stuff, then you dump Gatorade and goo on me?!"

The rest of the team got silent, looking down and not meeting the first girls eyes. The girl then let out a laugh. "You guys are the best!"

The rest of the team let out a sigh of relief, laughing and smiling.

All of the girls hugged one another, then left to the locker rooms.

"Didn't know you talked," Dick said after a few moments of (Y/N) being alone.

She jumped, turning to face Dick. "Ya, well I usually scream and yell so much, I loose my voice." She replied, giving him a small hug.

He pelled himself off from his spot against the wall, walking towards (Y/n).

They just stood their, unsurs of what to say. "I, I'm sorry." (Y/N) started. "What I did was naive and stupid. I'll never do it again."

Dick let out a small chuckle, wrapping his muscular arms around he drenched girl. "You know it was just Clus, right?"

She nodded, mimicking his actions. "I know,"

They stood their for a moment as the rest of the girls came out of the locker room.

"So, when's the wedding?" Veronica asked. Dick and (Y/N) quickly pulled away from each other, flustered.

"Oh shut up, we're just friends." (Y/N) finally replied.

Veronica rolled her eyes. "Sure," She walked past (Y/N). "Party at my place, starts at nine. Don't be late,"

(Y/N) met her friendly glare. "To your parties? Never,"

With a satisfies nod, Veronica left, the other girls following her.

The pair, once alone again, turned to one another. "So, see you later?"

Dick nodded, "See you later,"

The two met each others gaze one last time before departing, as giddy as two school children.

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