An Adventure [] The Outlaws Part 2

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I let out a groan, sitting up. Rubbing my temples, I let my eyes a just to the lighting.

I was still in the Bat Cave, but it was silent.

The pain in my head hit me like a brick, causing me to fall back, clutching my head in pain. "Oh god make it stop!"

Doctor Tompkins soon rushed over, checking my vitals. "The pain will subside in a moment. Just relax,"

I nodded grimly, the pain only getting worse. "Ah yes, the pain also will get worse before better." She added.

"Thanks for the heads up," I muttered through my teeth, squinting my eyes shut.

Eventually, the pain did subside, leaving me to wonder where the rest of my team was. "Miss Tompkins, where is everyone?" I asked as soon as she let me get up.

"I believe they are all eating breakfast-" She was cut off by the sound of glass crashing. "But I think that Bruce and Jason are arguing once again."

I gave her a thankful nod, making my way up the staircase.

I walked out of the grandfather clock, the sunbathing down on my body as if it was a shower.

"Holy shit that's bright." I cursed, walking past the windows.

"Just accept it Bruce!" I heard Jason yell.

"She needs to be trained more! She isn't qualified!" The man who I am assuming is Bruce roared back.

I knocked on the door, both voices drawing silent.

The door swung open to reveal an angry Jason and Bruce Wayne, who I am now presuming to be the Dark Knight. "Hi, um, so, can someone please tell me where the hell I am?"

Jason and Bruce exchanged glances as if they knew something I didn't.

Closing the door behind him, Jason walked out into the hall, stopping beside me. "(Y/N), you should be down in the cave with Doctor Tompkins."

I waved his comment away. "Cave shmave. Is there food in this joint? 'Cause I could really use some waffles. " I replied, trying to hide the concern and anger in my eyes.

After a couple moments of studying me, Jason let out a sigh. "Ya, Alfred makes some mean waffles."

I looked at him quizzically. "Who's Alfred?"


I moaned in pleasure, my mouth widening with every scoop of the delicious white cream. "I haven't even got to the waffles and it's already so good!"

Roy chuckled, digging into his own plate of waffles. Kori and Jay did the same, enjoying the delicious meal that Alfred had prepared for us.

"(Y/N)? May I please talk to you?" Bruce asked from the doorway.

I groaned, making frantic gestures to my plate.

He frowned even more. "Now," he said in a stern tone.

I rolled my eyes, shoving my seat back and following Bruce out of the room.

He led me down several empty corridors with doors that led to other rooms. Soon, we stopped in front of a wide door, the same one where Jason and himself were arguing.

I stepped inside, sliding into the chair. "I hope this is important."

He clenched his jaw, sitting on the chair across from me. "Yes, it is."

I rolled my eyes, resting my arms on the armrests. "I need you to stay here at the Wayne Manor. You are improperly trained and I want to train you, properly."

I scoffed. "Please! I was trained in the All Caste," I leaned forward in my chair. "I was trained with one of the deadliest people on the planet, and won!"

"Ducra isn't-" Bruce started.

"I was talking about Jason." I snapped, rising from my spot. Before I walked out the door and turned to Bruce. "I don't care who you are, you are still a grade A dick."


I shouldered my bag, stepping into the cab after Roy.

"What's up?" The driver asked.

"We're going on an adventure!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

The rest of the team groaned as I let out a chuckle. "Kidding! Gotham airport please."

"Righty then." The driver responded.

"Adventure time!" I exclaimed once again as the team groaned once again. "Oh lighten up."

Jason rolled his eyes at me as I scoffed. "Oh hey, did I tell you that I called Bruce a grade A dick?"

The cab started to pull out of the driveway as Jason started to laugh. "The adventure is just beginning, isn't it?"

I fell back in my seat. "Definitely,"

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