Mate [] Zatanna and Nightwing

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Requested by Truechalantlover 


"Get that stupid hat on right," I scolded Dick, walking past him. 

He scrambled to catch up with me, trying to defend himself. "Hey! What's wrong with my hat?!"

I rolled my eyes, turning to meet him. "Everything Richard. First, that is not how you wear a hat. Second, you look ridiculous!"

"Oh ya?" Dick countered, his face flushing as I continued to walk down the street. "Then you try!"

I rolled my eyes once again, turning to face him. "Fine, raeppa, tah." A hat appeared on my head as I continued walking. 

"You just- You- Ugh!" Dick hissed, catching up to me.

"Yes, I did do that in public. Don't worry, no one noticed." I assured him, walking into the aparment complex.

"Z! Hey!" I exclaimed, embracing the raven haired girl in a hug as she met us in the lobby.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Zatanna exclaimed, letting go of me to give Dick a hug.

They greeted each other, letting go quickly. "So," Zatanna started, "What's with the hats?"

"Richard thinks it looks good on him." I began, "What do you think?"

Her face began to turn a light tint of pink, her words coming out in soft stutters. "I-I think i-it looks good on h-him..."

I let out a chuckle, crossing my arms. "Does Z like a certain D?"

"What? (Y/N)! Come on!" Dick deffended. "Y-you don't like me? Do you Z?"

She blushed even more, looking down at her feet as Dick's eyes grew wide. "Awe!" I cooed. "I'll just let you two love birds be."

I turned around, going ro leave the apartment complex.

Before I walked through the door, catching the pair's eye. I clapped my hands together, a smirk playing on my lips. "Now, mate!"

Then, I ran for my life.

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