Hypothermia [] Batman

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(Y/W)  = Your Weight
(M/N)  = Middle Name
(Y/H)  = Your Height
(G/F)  = Guy Freind


3rd Person POV

(Y/N) wandered along the streets of Gotham, lost in the blizard of snow surrounding her.

Her skin was as cold as ice,  lips purple, snow embeded in her hair.

She couldn't think straight, all she could do was wander on.

On the rooftops above, Batman looked below to see the missing girl, (Y/N) (L/N).

Swooping down onto the street, he wrapped her in his cape. 

(Y/N) clinged onto the billionare for dear life as he swung away to the nearest hospital.

Droping (Y/N) off at the hospital, he returned to the Batcave.

Typing away into the enourmous computer in front of him, he was able to get her file.


(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)

22 Years Old



Works at Wayne Enterprise


He sighed at the minimum amount of knowledge he was able to find about her.

Not long after, Robin came into the cave, puzzled at why this girl ment so much to Bruce, even if he didn't know her.

Bruce just said he didn't know. And truth was, he didn't. But he felt some weird connection to her that he had never felt before.

Back at the hospital, doctors and nurses where frantically running around, trying to stabalize (Y/N).

After hours of flatlining and shocking her back to life, they had finally done it.


Days later, (Y/N) was finally admitted out of the hospital, and all of Wayne Enterprises was rushing around,  getting things set for their beloved coworker.

Well, everyone except for Bruce Wayne. He was still trying to find out who this girl was.

Cheers erupted from the forst floor as (Y/N) walked in. The missing girl was alive and well.

(Y/N) was engulfed with hugs as she stood there, shocked that her coworkers would be so delighted to see her.

Laughing and smiling along, she greeted everyone with a delighted big,  then made her way up to the seventh floor,  otherwise known as the Sales Pit. Everyone in sales worked on this floor.

All of the salesmen, young and old where delighted to see her.

Especially (B/F/N), (G/F), and (G/F). The three engulfed (Y/N) in a hug as Bruce came down to see what all the comotion was about. Sales was not only the biggest branch,  it was also one of the moneymakers,  and the loudest. 

Everyone grew silent as Bruce entered. Rushing back to work,  Vruce stopped (Y/N).

"How may I help you Mr. Wayne?" (Y/N)  asked.

"I don't think we've met. Bruce Wayne." He replied,  holding his hand out.

Shaking it, (Y/N) replied, "(Y/N) (L/N)," they let go of each others hands as (Y/N)  rushed back to work.

"Miss (Y/N), if I may have one more moment of your time." Bruce said. (Y/N)  exchanged glances with her friends,  then turned back around to face the billonare.

"Yes Mr. Wayne?"

"Would you care to join me for dinner tonight, around seven,  so we can talk about your health plans and future in this company?"

"Um, well..." She turned to look at her friends once again, who all gave her thumbs up. "It's a date."

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