Coffee Thoughts [] Aqualad

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Requested by @rosetheanimelover

(Y/N) slumped down into a booth, slamming her head onto the table.

Soon enough a waitress came by, her frizzy hair in a terribly done bun and her lipstick smeared onto her cheek. "Welcome to JJ's, what can I get you?" She spoke in a monotone voice.

"Coffee times ten please," (Y/N) muttered, not sitting up from her slouched position.

Popping a bubble of bubble gum, the waitress nodded, walking off.

After a few moments, someone slid into (Y/N)'s booth, causing her to look up. She was meet with a man who looked about 25 years old, his blonde buzz cut a background to his dark mocha colored skin.

His eyes where a sea green color, dark half moons underneath them. In his eyes held a stare that fascinated (Y/N). They held secrets and stories beyond her imagination, but where blocked off by a brooding sense of maturity.

"Hello," He spoke, his smooth voice coming out of his mouth like waves sneaking up onto the land. "I am Kaldur, but everyone calls me Kal."

(Y/N) raised an eye brow, waiting for his continuation. "I saw you from across the restaurant and thought you might need to talk to someone."

"What I need," grumbled (Y/N), "Is my god damned coffee."

"Well, it appears as that is solved." Kal spoke as the waitress came back, (Y/N)'s coffee in hand.

"The mid-term special," (Y/N) took a sip of the scalding hot drink, her face contorting into one of pain.

"Holy hell, what is in this?"

"Four shots of espresso, two vodka shots, and Brazilian coffee." Explained the waitress before walking off.

(Y/N)'s attention turned back to Kal. "Anything else you might need?"

(Y/N) shook her head, taking another sip of the coffee.

"Well in that case, here is this. I hope we can speak again soon." Kal said as he slipped a piece of paper across the table and left the booth. (Y/N) watched him leave before looking down at the note.

I can get you coffee times ten.

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