Sidekicks [] Speedy

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Sorry this is a little bit different than the request, but I hope you like it!


Roy's POV

"Why do I need to be here?" I asked Ollie as we walked into the Cave.

"Because I said so. Plus, I think you'll really like this girl." He replied as we greeted the rest of the people.

"Batman," Ollie greeted Batman.

"Oliver," Batman replied as they shook hands. "Captain Atom should be here any minute."

We waited for about another five minutes before Captain Atom walked in. "Sorry I'm late, (Y/N) wanted to train more with Superman before we got here."

"Is she here now?" Batman asked.

"Ya, she-" He turned around, but no one was there. "Damnit!"

"You lost your daughter?" Flash asked, trying not to laugh.

"No, I'm right here." A girl said, sitting on the railing eating a cookie. "A guy named Alfred offered me a cookie."

"Wow," I muttered. She was gorgeous.

"Wow is an understatment," Wally whispered to me.

I nodded subconsciously as she jumped of the railing. "I'm (H/N)." She introduced herself to everyone. I looked around, and Kal and Robin where also dumbfounded.

"(H/N), this is Kid Flash," Flaah introduced.

"Hey babe," Wally said, composing himself.

She rolled her eyes, smirking. "Hello Kid,"

"I am Aqualad, but you may call me Kaldur." Kal introudced himself, holding his hand out.

She shook his hand. "Pleasure to meet you Kaldur,"

"Hi, I'm Robin," Robin introduced, still a bit awestruck.

"Hi Robin," She replied. Her eyes then landed on me as she walked towards me.

"And you are...?"

"Oh," I composed myself. "Speedy."

We shook hands as she gave me a small smile. Letting go off my hand, she turned to her father. "Can I please go? Kara said that she could teach me some new moves."

Captain Atom sighed. "Just be back home before dark."

She smiled. "It was nice meeting you all!" And then, just as she came, she was gone.


(Y/N)'s POV

I smirked, intertwining my fingers and pushing them outwards as they made a cracking sound. I rolled my neck menacingly.

"So, who's first?" One by one, the thugs dropped like flys.

I was soon done fighting, and I saw a silhouete outlined by the city lights. "You going to keep on staring?"

Coming out of the night sky, Roy emerged. "Hey (H/N),"

"Hey," I replied, dusting myself off.

"Nice work," He commented.

I gave him a small smile. "Well, I learned from the best."

"I didn't teach you-"

"Not you silly." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh," He smiled as we stood in silence. "Oh hey, so, since I told you my name, do you think you could tell me yours?"

I winked at him, backing up towards the edge of the roof. "All in time my young padawan."

"Young padawan? But-"

I smirked. "Learn to live a bit dude, I was kidding."


I bit my lip. "Well, I'll see you around?"

"Ya, I guess you will."


Months started to fly by as I continued to work with the boys. Today we officially became a team, a group, a Resistance.

"Today's the day," Batman started, placing a hand on Robins shoulder.

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." Green Arrow adds.

"The headquarters of the Justice League." Aquaman ended.

"Aw man!" We all turned to see kid Flash and Flash ariving. "I knew we'd be the last ones here!"

We walked towards the Hall, everyone talking. "Have all five sidekicks ever been at the same place at the same time?" Wally asked.

"Don't call us sidekicks. Not after today." I placed a hand on Roy's shoulder, giving him a look.

"Sorry," Wally apologized. "First time at the Hall. I'm a little overwhelmed."

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed, why isn't anybody just whelmed?" Robin asked. We entered the Hall to see giant statues of the founding members of the Justice League. "Oh, maybe that's why."

"Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, (H/N), welcome." Martian Manhunter said. "You know have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked gally, and of course, our library."

We entered the steel doors and emerged into the library. "Make yourselves at home." Flash said with open arms, litarley. We all sat down as Batman started to say something.

"Quick debreif about all four ice vilians attacking on the same day. We shouldn't be long."

Some sort of scanner came out and started speaking. "Recognized, Batman 02. Aquaman 06, Flash 04, Green Lantern 08, Martian Manhunter 07, Red Tornado 16, Captain Atom 12."

"That's it?!" Roy exclaimed. "You promised us a real look inside. Not a glorified backstage pass."

"It's a first step." Aquaman countered. "You've been granted access few others get."

"Oh really?" Roy replied, gesturing to the group of tourist outside the glass. "Who cares which side of the glass we're on?!"

"Roy, you just need to be pateint," Green Arrow started.

"What I need is respect!" He turned to face the rest of us. "They're treating us like kids! Worse, like sidekicks! We deserve better than this." We all looked around. "You're kidding right?"

"Roy-" I started.

"(Y/N), you don't have a say in this argument saying that you've already been to there real headquarters. An orbiting satellites called the Watch Tower. In space!"

"Okay, first off, I got there purely by accident, and second, what has gotten into you?"

"(Y/N) stand down," Aquaman said. I nodded in respect, doing what he told me.

"See this is what I'm talking about! You treat us like kids!" Roy turned to Green Arrow. "I thought we we're partners." Throwing down his har, he continued. "Not anymore."

We all stared wide eyed as he walked out. "Roy!" I followed him out, stopping him after the doors had closed and we we're in an empty coridor. "Roy, please re-think this."


I sighed as I made him turn to face me. Cupping his face, I gave him a kiss. Then, I pulled away. "Fine, leave, but please, don't get hurt."

"O-okay," He said, looking down at me. I gave him a small smile as I watched him go.

I turned around to see my dad. "Oh shit..."

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