One More Time [] Superboy

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Requested by JJTT50

***Trigger Warning***


She gripped the rim of the porcelain sink, trying to steady her hands. "One last time," She whispered to herself, looking into her own bloodshot eyes through the mirror. The slim object lay next to her left hand as the images flashed through her eyes.

"One last time," She whispered once again, her eyes filling with tears.

"(Y/N)?" His voice rang out through her apartment as she cried out, falling onto her knees. The blood on her wrists began to seep through the cold cloth around her legs as she shook harder, the images flooding her mind.

"Help," She pleaded. "Help me,"

He called her name once again, his voice showing the worry he held as he swung the bathroom door open. "Oh god,"

She cried harder as he knelt down next to her. "H-help me," She pleaded once again. "I-I can't see anything,"

"(Y/N), I'm here," He cooed, pulling her into his chest.

"T-they won't leave!" She sobbed. "Conner make them leave!"

Tears filled the Boy of Steel's eyes as he looked down at the broken girl, unable to do anything but watch. "Hey, look at me,"

Slowly, her eyes met his, the demons in her head slowly dissapearing. The blood on her body started to harden and crumble as he picked her upsetting her on the two mattresses that made up her bed.

Conner then went to the bathroom, beginning to fill the rub with warm water, throwing the blood stained razors away. "C-Conner? Conner!"

"Shhh, shhh. I'm right here, I'm here." Conner cooed, rushing back to her.

He gently picked her up, carrying her to the tub. "Do you want me to take your clothes, or-"

"L-leave them on," She whispered. He nodded, setting her into the warm water.

"(Y/N)", Conner said, interupting the moment of silence. "I know that you've been through a lot. But I'm here for you. Anything you ever need, I will be here, I promise."

She met her (E/C) eyes with his blue ones. "R-really?"

He nodded once again. "Really,"

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