Internet Friends [] Red Robin

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"Hey, Tim!" I exclaim, sitting down in front of my computer.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He replied, giving me a small wave. "So, how are you?"

I smile. "I'm good, my sister made me do some stupid after school shopping class today, though, so that sucked."

He chuckled, taking his mask off. "Ya, that does."

"So, how are you?" I ask, watching as Damian and Jason argue in the background. 

"Well, I was good up until I had to wade through about a foot of clay." My attention snapped back to him.

"Seriously?" I exclaimed, "That's so cool!"

"Tell that to my feet." He groaned, sitting back in his chair. I giggled as he contorted his face for some reason. Turning in his chair, he exclaimed, "Dick! Take a shower for God's sake!"

I heard a grumble and Tim turned back to face me. "So (Y/N), I was wondering, maybe I could go meet you. Ya know, in person."

My eyes lit up. "Yes! Of course!"

He smiled at me. "When?"

"Well, how fast can you be in Santa Monica?" I asked.

"Um, two, maybe three days." He replied. 

"That's perfect! I'm going with some friends to the pier on Friday! I can meet you there!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled. "Ya, okay. So, I'll see you on Friday around seven?"

I nodded. "I will see you then." As if rehearsed, my sister cried out for me, her voice piercing my ears. "Coming!" I yelled back. "Sorry Tim, Chelsea needs me."

He gave me a smile. "It's fine. I'll see you on Friday."

I nodded. "See you then." I logged off Skype, rushing downstairs. "Yes, Chelsea?"

"Does this dress make my butt look big?" She asked.

I groaned, facepalming myself. "This is what you called me down for?"

"Yes," She said defiantly.

"Then, yes. It makes your butt look huge." I replied, sulking back upstairs. "Only three days."


The days had flown by like the wind, and soon enough, it was Friday, the day. "Hey Loser, I hear you got some sort of internet friend coming to the pier. Betcha he ain't going to be there." Victoria, snarked. 

"Betcha he is." (B/F/N) snapped at the black haired girl. I put a hand on (B/F/N)s arm, giving her a look. I turned to Victoria, trying to put my best bitch face on.

"You know Victoria, seeing that you are going to be there, the stench of stupidity and idiocy probably will drive him away. Or maybe the whore stench will get to him first." I snapped.

She scoffed, sashaying off into the sea of students.

I turned to (B/F/N), giving her a small smile. "So, wanna hit the beach?"

My smirk grew wider as I nodded. "That's the greatest idea I've heard all day."


3rd Person POV

The sun was setting as (Y/N) continued to surf, the cool waves brushing at her feet as the water softly sprayed up her.

She let out a cheer, twisting and turning.

Little did she know that from the pier, Tim and his brothers Damian, Dick, and Jason had already arrived.

"Hey, last one!" (B/F/N) yelled from the sand.

"Okay!" (Y/N) replied as she swam back out, awaiting the perfect wave.

Tim stood on the pier, awaiting this seemingly mystery girl fo give the ocean one last ride. He watched as she shot up, her board mimicking her movements.

She twisted and turned, everyone, watching in amazement.

With a cry of glee, she fell into the water.

(Y/N) swam to shore, (B/F/N) cheering for her. Being as humble as she is, (Y/N) simply brushed her friends' comments away.

The two made their way up to the pier as Tim was transfixed on (Y/N). The way her swimsuit clung go her like a second skin, the way the water droplets trickled down her smooth skin. The sunset made her eyes shimmer like diamonds as she put her board down onto the sand.

Walking up the steps, (Y/N)'s eyes darted around for her mystery man.

While Tim stared at (Y/N), Damian and Jason bickered on how that couldn't be Tims friend, she was simply too gorgeous.

(Y/N)'s eyes met Tim's as a smile crept onto her face, her features lighting up.

They walked towards each other, astounded.

Engulfing one another in a hug, they both let out a sigh of relief.

All of Tim's brothers stopped talking, for the gorgeous girl was in fact (Y/N).

Tim and (Y/N) let go of each other, practically bursting with glee.

"Y-you're really here." (Y/N) exclaimed, astounded.

Tim nodded. "Ya, I am."

(Y/N) buried her features into Tim's chest, his shirt beginning to get wet. "I can't believe you're actually here."

He smiled down at her. "I'm here,  and I am never letting go."

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