Till Death Do Us Part [] Wally West

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You're welcome.


The wedding bells rang through my ears as he stood at the end of the isle.

His face was in awe as he looked at me, tears forming in both of our eyes.

Whatever the priest had said whipped through my mind as Wally down looked at me, smiles dancing on both of our faces.

"Now, your vows." The priest said, while I finally started paying attention to him, and not Wally.

"I guess I'll start." Wally began, looking down into my eyes and giving my hands a gentle squeeze. "(Y/N) (L/N), the first time I saw you, I thought you where a walking goddess. You where so beautiful, it was unbelievable. I new I had to at least, talk to you. I remember the first date I took you on, we went to the pier, and after all the fun, we took a walk on the beach. You where walking in the tides, and you tripped over a sea shell and got all wet."

I let out a nervous laugh, my cheeks turning red. "Wally..."

He let out a laugh as well, continuing his vows. "The point is, no matter how weird, or crazy, or embarrassing you get, I will always love you."

I smiled up at him, his green eyes staring into my (E/C) ones. "Wally West, you have been one of the sweetest, most kind people I have ever met. Every Sunday, you try to cook a home-made meal for us. Which usually results in getting some takeout. Never-the-less, you still try every Sunday. You are so lovable, and I love everything you do."

The priest smiled both of us. "Now, do you, (Y/N) (L/N), take Wally West to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
I nodded, slipping the wedding band on Wally's finger.

"And do you, Wally West, take (Y/N) (L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked, as Wally smiled down at me, his eyes glowing with hope.



I shot up in my bed, tears forming in my eyes. "Wally?!"

I turned to my side, but no one was there. The tears started streaming down my face as I realized, he wasn't here anymore.

He was dead.

I looked out the window, remembering all the great times we had.

The tears started to pour harder as I wrapped myself in blankets, rocking myself back and fourth. "Come back to me,"

I looked at all the pictures of the both of us smiling with one another. "I need you,"

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