Cookies [] Superman

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Requested by CrazedFangirl0910

Don't worry, this isn't going to be depressing! Oh, and I don't know how the Justice League votes on members, and when certain members joined, so just bare with me please. And the Justice League that is mentioned is the one from Netflix. The Justice League animated show.


I looked up at the Daily Planet, taking a deep breath. I walked in, going straight to the counter. "Hi, I'm here to see Mr. White."

The receptionist nodded, typing something into the computer and talking to someone over the phone before she finally replied, "Floor 23, good luck honey."

"Um, thanks?" I replied, walking to the elevators. I stepped into the crowed elevators, pressing the 23 button. One more person shuffled inside the elevator before it closed, going up.


"HI, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), pleased to meet you." I said, shaking Perry's hand.

"Ya ya, now, Kent, you and (L/N) will be desk partners. It's your job to show her the ropes. Understand Kent?" Perry asked.

"Yes sir." Clark said, escorting me out of the office and to a little two person cubical thing near the elevator. Sitting down, I got a bag of cookies I got from Starbucks out of my purse. I laughed as I saw Clark looking at them. "Would you like one?"

"Oh, I don't know, I mean-"

I cut him off. "Please, it's my treat." He sighed, taking a cookie. I chuckled as I placed the bag on my desk, bringing my laptop out.

"Well, good luck on your first day," Clark said, giving me a hopeful smile.

I smile back, "Thanks."


The next few days went by like a blur, everything from morning cookies with Clark to staying late. Today, I was running a couple hours late. There was a city wide black out while I was asleep and somehow I didn't notice when I woke up, three hours late. Rushing to the Daily Planet, I shoved a bag of cookies in my bag, running out the door.

Ten minutes later, I arrived at the Daily Planet. Running to the elevator, I hoped and prayed that it would go faster. Finally, after what seemed like eons, it arrived at the 23rd level. Rushing off, I collapsed in my seat, exhausted. "Hey Clark."

"Hey (Y/N)," He looked at me, concerned. "Don't worry, nearly everybody was late today. I still haven't seen half of the people here."

I laughed, pulling the bag of cookies out of my bag, placing them on the desk. "So, has Perry asked for me yet?"

He took a cookie. "No, I don't think so."

I sighed. "Thank the god of potatoes." We both laughed as I got to work. Minutes later, Clarks phone rang.

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow, looking over at him. "Oh, I'll be over there as soon as I can." He hung up. "I got to go, see you later?"

"Sure." I replied, looking back down at my computer. Grabbing his half eaten cookie and his jacket, he left.

3rd Person POV

Clark ran to the nearest secluded place, ripping his clothes off to reveal his Superman suit. Flying out of the building, cookie in hand, he arrived at the Watch Tower in less than 10 minutes. "I'm here."

"Good," Batman confirmed as Superman sat down. "Now, as I was saying, we must pick the new members of the Justice League carefully." Discreetly eating the cookie, Clark nods. "You all have your picks."

"I nominate Doctor Fate, he has proved to be quite skillful in not only physical power, but sorcery as well." Wonder Woman says.

"I second that," Green Lantern added.

Clark continued to munch on his cookie, only Batman taking notice. Swallowing the last of his cookie, Clark added, "I nominate Supergirl. She may just be a kid, but she can do amazing things and I think she would bring a lot of charisma and strength that we need."

Silence. "I second that," Batman finally said. After going through many other superheroes and many sufficient and insufficient arguments, the League had finally come to an agreement.

"Hey Supes, wait up!" Flash called, stopping Clark. Turning around, Clark was starting to get annoyed.

"Yes Barry?" He asked.

"Well, Iris and I are throwing a party for Diana as a birthday surprise, and Iris was wondering if you could come. You can bring someone if you like." Barry smiled.

Clark thought for a second. "No League stuff?"

"Hell no." Without thinking, Clark had gently pinched the bridge of Barry's nose.

"I'll be there." Superman then fled back to the Daily Planet to find everyone running around.

"Clark! Come on!" (Y/N) said, grabbing Clark's hand as she dragged him to the elevator.

"(Y/N), what's going on?" a rather concerned Clark asked.

"Lex Luthor broke out of prison again, and Perry wants us to have coverage on it if Superman shows up, where Lex will go next, what he will do, how he got out of prison, yatayata ya. I just hope I don't fuck this up." Clark lightly pinched her nose.

"Um, okay," (Y/N) sighed. "So where were you?"

"I was, um..." Clark thought for a second. "Have you met Lois yet? She's swell."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say Boy Scout, and yes, I have met Lois. She's a little, how do I say this? A little up tight I guess. Don't get me wrong, she's a great reporter, just, she doesn't really appeal to me as friend material, you know?"

"Ya, I do."


Days went by, more cookies, more nose pinching for both Barry and (Y/N). This particular night, as (Y/N) stood in front of her door, she let out a string of words that would make a sailor blush as she put her hands in her head. She had forgotten her keys for her apartment at the Daily Planet, again. Sighing, she hailed a cab, making her way to the Daily Planet.

Unknown to her, Clark was still there, but he wasn't working. Well, not on reporter things to say the least. "Yes, I know J'onn, but I have to." Clark replied, sitting back down in his chair.

"Clark, we all know you love working here, but you of all people should know, hero work before civilian work." Green Lantern said.

"Yes, but-"

"Clark, just consider your options, and-" Diana started.

"Hide! (Y/N) is coming!" Clark ushered the heroes into a closet.

The elevator made a 'ding' sound as (Y/N) stepped out of it. Almost immediately, she tripped over her own feet, falling to the ground. Sighing, she said, "Hey Clark. Burning the midnight oil, so they say?"

"Yep." Clark replied, looking down at the fallen woman. "So are you going to get up or...."

"No Clark. I've given up." Pulling (Y/N) up to her feet, the hero in disguise engulfed (Y/N) into a seemingly bone crushing hug. Hugging back, (Y/N) whispered into his ear, "Thank you."

As the rest of the Justice League observed from inside the closet, everything came into place. Why Clark had suddenly had cookies all the time, and why he pinched Flash's nose when he cussed. It was because he had gotten so used to his routine with the reader that it had become a second nature to him.


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