Grilled Cheese [] Cyborg

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Requested by CaitliannSpencer


I let out a sigh, my hair blowing in the wind. "(H/N) you there?" Vic asked through my com.

"Ya," I replied. "Watcha got for me?"

"Superman needs some help with Luthor-" A crash could be herd from the other side of Metropolis, a dust cloud filling the air.

"I see it." I interupted.

"Get the civilians out first, then help. Flash will meet you there. "He said.

"Gotcha," I replied, flying off towards thr ruckus.

Quickly getting the civilians to safety, Flash meet me as we watched Superman plumet into another building. "I'll keep Luthor distracted for the Big Blue, help me as much as you can."

"Yes ma'am," Flash saluted, speeding off to tell Superman.

"HEY TIN BUCKET!" I yelled, getting Luthors attention. I arose to meet him. "Why don't you pick on some one your own size?"

"Beat it little girl, let the men do the real fighting." He scoffed, turning back to Superman.

I growled, flying toward Luhor and sacking him, sending him hurling towards the ground.

I stradled him, his body becoming bloodier pucnh after punch.

"(H/N) stop! You're going to kill him!" Flash exclaimed.

I sighed, my legs wobbeling as I got off of Luthor. "T-thanks for s-stopping me." I said as Flash gave me a small smile.

"No problem, now, let's get to HQ before the cops get here."

"Y-ya, okay."


"So, how'd it go?" Vic asked me as I walked out of the breifing room after a lecture from Batman.

I slumped down in a chair, my head making a 'thud' sound on the table.

"I'm taking that as a no." I flung my head up and glared at him.

"YA THINK?!" I exclaimed, standind up and walking briskly over to the Zeta Tubes.

"Wait, (Y/N)," Vic protested, running towards me. "If you want we can go grab a bite. I know this place in Metropolis that has the best grilled cheese in the world."

I sighed, giving him a small smile. "Ya, okay. But what about," I gestured to his mechanical aspect.

"That's no problem. No one really minds." I laughed.

"Let's go!"

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