Coma [] Green Arrow

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Written by PrincessStarWars

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The last thing you remembered was being in Iron Heights Prison, fighting alongside Oliver, Laurel, and John, against Damien Darhk. You remembered him saying something about your father, Quentin Lance, betraying him, and that he had made a promise about what he would do if he did. And the next thing you knew, an arrow was buried in your sister, Laurel, aka, Black Canary, and a bullet wound was seeping blood from your mid-section. And now, the first thing you heard was the sound of machinery beeping in your ear. An almost blinding white light flooded your eyes as you blinked them open. You were in a hospital room. You groaned in pain and tried to sit up, pain sprouting from your middle, but someone gently pushed you back down.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't move", a familiar voice said. Your vision cleared enough for you to see Oliver, with his hands on your shoulders, and John, Thea, and Felicity standing behind him.

"Oh my God", Felicity breathed out, tears streaming down her face as she ran to you, hugging you as tight as possible without causing you any discomfort.

"Hey, guys", you said hoarsely, smiling. John took your hand and squeezed it.

"It's good to have you back, (Nickname)", he said. Thea hugged you next.

"We thought you were never going to wake up again", she said. As she pulled away, you looked at your friends and boyfriend with a confused expression.

"Wait. How long was I out?" you asked. You remembered your sister. "Where's Laurel? Is she alright?" They all exchanged glances. Oliver knelt beside you and took your hand.

"(Nickname)..." , he started slowly. "You've been out for three years". Your eyes widened. You had been gone for three whole years.

"What about Laurel?" you asked, your voice shaking slightly. Oliver shook his head.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry", he said, but you were already crying into his shoulder. First Sara, and she had come back, and now Laurel. You let out all of your pain on Oliver's shoulder, and he never left your side. Finally, after crying for ages, you drifted off to sleep. Oliver felt your breaths on his shoulder, and gently moved you into a sleeping position before kissing your forehead and exiting the room.

When you woke up again, the whole thing came flooding back. Laurel was dead. You had been gone for three years. You felt like crying again, but nothing but a strangled gasp came out. Oliver was immediately by your side.

"Ollie", you choked out.

"Hey, I'm here. I'm not leaving you", he said, wrapping his arms around you. You relaxed a little bit.

"Ollie, I'm sorry", you said. "About Laurel. About being gone for so long". Oliver brushed your tears away with his thumb.

"Hey, don't say that", he said. "I should've protected you both. I'm the one who should be apologizing. And I understand if you never want to see me again for what I did to you and your sister". You slowly pulled him in for your first kiss in a long time. Three years.

"I'll always need you, Ollie", you said. "I love you".

"I love you, too". 

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