Only For You [] Nightwing

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Requested by DamiansBeloved


"Dick! It's just a pilates session!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Oh don't you pilates session me! We both know what this really is!" He said back, the same tone being used in his voice.

"What is it? Because I have no fucking idea about what you are getting so worked up about!" I put my hands on my hips, giving him a RBF.

"Oh don't give me that look." He said, rolling his eyes.

I mimicked his actions, then went to the door. "You can come with me if you want, but I still don't see what this is all about."

"Oh, you'll see." He said, walking out and slamming the door.

I chuckled. "You are so weird, you know that?"

The elevator opened and we both stepped into the empty space.

He looked down at me, smirking. "I'm only weird for you."

I let out a small giggle, pecking his lips with a small kiss.

He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into his side as we walked out of the elevator and into the garage.

We made small talk on the way to the car, getting into the black vehicle.

The way to the lesson was cheerful as we laughed at each other's corny jokes and remarks.

We drove into a parking spot in front of the studio all too soon. Getting out of the car, I saw many of the women and men who do pilates alongside me gawk at Dick.

The women glared at me as we walked in, Dick's arm returning to my waist.

The door made a small squeaking noise as Dick opened the door for me. I thanked him, walking into the studio.

"(Y/N)!" The instructor, Ramses, exclaimed, greeting me with a hug. "A pleasure to see you once again!" His exotic accent poured into his words.

"Pleasure to see you as we'll Ramses," I replied.

"Dick Grayson," Dick introduced, putting his hand out.

Ramses waved away his hand, engulfing Dick in a hug. Pulling away, he placed a hand on each of Dick's shoulders. "A nice one you have brought. Much better than the last one."

"Okay," I intruded, pulling Dick away from Ramses's grip. "Let's go find you a mat!"

Dick laughed. "No. Let's hear more about this, "last one"."

I groaned as Ramses started talking. "Ah yes, his name was Jason T-"

"Nope!" I exclaimed, interrupting him.  I steered Dick away from Ramses, plopping him down onto a mat.

I could practically feel Dick's glares burning into my soul as Ramses started the class. "So, today we will be working on the thighs and buttocks..."


"You never told me you dated my brother!" Dick exclaimed as soon as we walked into the house.

"And you never told me you," I bought for a second. "You, you. Ugh!" I collapsed on the couch in frustration. "To be fare, it didn't last that long. We never even had sex."

"We'll that's just riveting!" Dick exclaimed, sitting down next to my feet.

"You used that word wrong," I said.

"Excuse me?" Dick asked, turning to me.

"Ya, you used the word riveting wrong. Riveting means engrossing or compelling. You should have used something like wonderful or excellent." I said, caught in a thought.

He snorted. "Ya, okay."

I stuck my tongue out at him. After a few moments of silence, I started to chuckle. "You know you got jealous of a gay guy right?"

"I did?" He asked, starting to laugh along with me.

"Ya, you did," I replied, my laughter getting the best of me as I started to crack up.

Soon enough, we were practically rolling on the ground, laughing our asses off.

But, the laughter came to an abrupt stop as Dicks com started to beep.

He answered as I looked onto the sunset.

"Sorry angel," He apologized.

I sighed. "You better be back by one, or you're sleeping on the couch."

He chuckled, pecking my cheek. "I'll try."


I checked the time, 1:07. "Damnit Grayson," I cursed.

Getting up from the couch, I walked towards the bedroom, the over-sized T-shirt brushing against my thighs.

Cuddling up into the blankets, I closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

Minutes later, I heard the window swing open. "Do I have to sleep on the couch if I'm ten minutes late?"

I sat up, turning to Dick. "Maybe, shower first, you smell bad."

He chuckled, giving me a wink. "Only for you." Then, the bathroom door made a click as the water started.

I got up, my bare feet making a soft noise against the floor. Getting myself a glass of water, I turned the TV on.

"Luckily, Nightwing was intervein, but quickly fled from the scene due to, and I quote, "Don't want to sleep on the couch." This is Vicki Vale of the Gotham Gazette, and goodnight."

I laughed into my water, the droplets of stray water making their way down my shirt.

I groaned at the mess I had made, setting my glass down and walking to the bedroom, the water stopping.

Pealing off my shirt, I heard the bathroom door opening ad I turned away, my back now facing Dick as I stood in nothing but my underwear.

"Wow," He exclaimed.

I smirked as I pulled a different T-shirt on.

He quickly pulled me into his embrace, the mountain in his pants hitting my thigh as his lips encased mine.

"How about we get that shirt back off?" He asked between kisses, pulling me onto the bed.

I smirked once again. "Only for you."

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