JayDick [] Red Hood and Nightwing

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Requested by JayBirdRed


I rolled my eyes at the two bickering boys "Oh my god!" I exclaimed. "Just get a room already!"

They both stopped arguing, looking back at me. "Excuse me?" Dick asked.

"Well duh," I said, looking at myself in the mirror. "You're both hella gay. Or maybe bi, either way works really,"

"No, we're not!" Jason declared.

"Well, not to anyone else, but each other. Oh, and that one dude from the strip club that Dick works at. One time I saw them-" I started.

"Okay, enough of that!" Dick interupted. "Point is we are not gay!"

I shrugged, heading back to the dressing rooms. "Whatever,"


"I swear to God," I whispered to Tim. "They are so,"

"Annoying? Rude? Outrageous?" Tim suggested.

"Ugh!" I threw my head back in annoyance. "They are like to peas in a fucking pod, but they don't know it but they are made for each other!"

"Dear God," Tim sighed. "You are so weird."

"Thank you," I replied.

"Hey (Y/N)," Duke greeted, coming up next to Tim and I.

"Hey Duke," I replied, my eyes not parting from the two bickering men.

"What are you doing?" Duke asked as I took a long sip of the champange in my hand.

"Pretty sure she's coming up with the wedding plans for Jason and Dick." Tim replied.

"You think the'll survive that long?!" I exclaimed in happiness.

"Oh boy," Duke sighed. I rolled my eyes, making my way towards Jason and Dick.

"What are you doing?" Dick asked as i grabbed their hands, dragging them onto the dance floor.

"Dance," I said, pulling them onto the dance floor and into each others arms, leaving them there.


"No way," Duke exclaimed, looking at the two dancing. "You really did it,"

I crossed my arms, a smug smirk dancing on my lips. "Told you so,"

The pair had small smiles on their faces as their bodies moved in sync. I smiled at the moment, pround of the two.

"So," Tim started to say, turning to me. "When do you think the wedding is?"

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