Trust Issues [] Batfam Part 2

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Requested by Rose5489 and MarleneJaramillo and xx_RandomReader_xx


I walked down the school halls, unsure of whether I should pull my shirt up or my skirt down as people stared at me. "Um, Wayne, why are people looking at me weird?"

"You're new, which means you're fresh meat. So, make a good first impression." He answered, walking away towards Collin.

I rolled my eyes, wandering off towards the place where I assumed my locker would be.

"Hey, new girl!" A voice shrieked. I sighed, twisting the lock on my locker. "Hey, I'm talkin' to ya!" The same voice skrieched as I opened my locker.

"I'm aware," I replied, putting my bag inside the dull locker.

"Then why the hell weren't you acknowledging me?" The girl asked, coming up next to me.

"Waste of time," I answered, closing my locker.

"Excuse me?" She gasped as I turned to her, my eyes peircing into hers.

"You heard me." I said, my voice laced with venom and demand.

"You've just made a big mistake," She spat, trying to slap the books out of my hand. She made an unsurprisingly unsuccessful attempt.

"Try me," I sneared.


I slumped down in the chair, the side of my face still red. "Mister Wayne, your daughter here got into a fight."

"Oh, did she now?" Bruce scolded, looking at me.

I rolled my eyes, scoffing. "It's not like she didn't deserve it."

"I'm sure you had a reason Miss (L/N)-Wayne. But that is no reason for hitting her." The principale replied.

"I didn't even start the fight! She hit me first!" I objected, slaming my hands on the arm rests, sitting up.

"Never the less," The principale countered. "You are still suspended."

"This is bull shit!" I cried, getting up and slaming the door behind me as I left.

Alfred opened the door for me as I slid into the limo, greeted by Todd and Grayson. "Ugh,"

They both gave me a BatGlare™ as we waited for Bruce. "First you leave the Manor, then you get into a fist fight at school!" Todd exclaimed after a while.

"Oh, don't tell me like you didn't do it yourself Todd!" I countered back, pointing a finger at him.

"I did! But look where it got me! I died! I'm a crime lord! LOOK AT WHERE IT GOT ME!" Todd roared back.

I slumped down in my seat, crossing my arms.

Someone knocked on the window, which poked at both mine, and my "brothers", curiosity.

I rolled down the window to meet a pair of startling blue eyes. "Hi, are you (Y/N) (L/N)-Wayne?"

"Who's asking?" I countered, sitting up and turning my attention towards the gorgeous boy.

"Well, I'm in the leadership class, and I was able to get your homework from all of your classes. Plus, the lessons are in the green spiral, and I made some notes of my own." He said, handing me the moutain of textbooks and spirals.

"Thanks," I replied, nonchalantly, looking back at him. "Whats your name?"

"Aristotle Reed, but my friends call me Ari," Ari answered.

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