Till Death Do Us Part [] Wally West Part 2

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Requested by satansmiles-

🛑!Trigger warning!🛑

"Why am I doing this?" (Y/N) sighed as she stepped out of the car.

"Because," (B/F/N) said. "As much as you deny it, you need help."

The pair walked into the building, it's bland walls beginning to suffocate (Y/N) as (B/F/N) checked her in. "I don't need therapy."

"Yes, you do." Replied (B/F/N) as they both sat down in the waiting room.

"(Y/N) (L/N)?" A blonde woman called out, looking down at her clipboard.

Anxiety began running through (Y/N)'s veins as she reluctantly stood up. "Hi,"

"Hi. I'm Doctor Camille Stevens." The two shook hands as Doctor Stevens escorted (Y/N) into her office. "Today will be a short appointment. Just for us to get to know one another better before diving in."

(Y/N) stayed silent as she continued. "So, (Y/N). Tell me, why are you here?"

(Y/N) let out a sigh before saying, "Apparently I need help."

"Ah, yes. Miss (B/F/N) says that you've been seeing things?" (Y/N) nodded, clenching her jaw as she wrapped her hands on the armrests.

"She says you're seeing your dead husband?"

Once again, (Y/N) reluctantly nodded, letting Doctor Stevens continue.

"Tell me about him."

"He was my everything," (Y/N) whispered. "He could make me smile even on my darkest days."

"Sounds like you loved him a lot."


"So, tell me. What do you see him doing?"

(Y/N) paused, reminiscing on all her memories with Wally. "Some days I see him in the mirror, smiling at me. Other days, I see him reaching out to me. Like he's begging me to do something, but I don't know what."

"What do you think he wants you to do?"

"I think," (Y/N)'s voice began to crack as she starred at the ground, wide eyed. "I think he wants me to go with him."

"Oh my," Doctor Stevens whispered before writing some things down on her clipboard. "(Y/N), I'm afraid that's all the time we have, but I will be getting in touch promptly."

"Okay," responded (Y/N) as they walked out of the office.


(Y/N) looked out on the sunset, her eyes flickering from building to building as she slowly stood up.

"(Y/N)," Wally spoke as he watched her rise.

"Wally?" (Y/N) whispered, her eyes glossing over as she began to climb onto the edge of the roof.

"(Y/N), baby. Don't do this." Wally pleaded as he reached out to her. His hand slipped through her grasp as he continued to plead. "Please, don't do this. I'm right here."

"Wally," (Y/N) began to shake as tears slowly fell down her cheeks. "I want to be with you again.

"But you are. I'm right here!" He exclaimed as he grasped her shoulders, attempting to look her in the eyes.

(Y/N) looked out onto the vast obscurity of the sky, her emotions begging to numb as she prepares herself. "I'm going to see you again. I promise."

Tiny pebbles were flung off the ledge as she slowly stuck her foot out. "Wally," She spoke one last time as she began to fall.


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