Ye Kiss Me [] Superboy

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Requested by Shadow_1294


"So, what's our strategy?" Conner asked, his back pressing against (Y/N)'s as thy both got into fighting position.

The dark clothed ninjas surrounded them as they pulled out knives and swords. "Our what?" (Y/N) replied.

"Oh my god, we're going to die." Conner retorted.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "Ye little faith,"

"Ye kiss my ass."

(Y/N) let out a laugh, charging the ninjas. Conner let out a sigh, charging the ninjas as well.

Both of their powers raged as they fought through the assasians, quickly getting covered in blood and grime.

(Y/N)'s arms fell by her sides as she let out a sigh she had been holding in.

She heard a cracking noise behind her and something falling. Whipping around, she saw Conner standing over yet another ninja.

"I could have protected myself." (Y/N) said, placing her blood covered hands on her hips.

"Ye little faith," Conner replied, smirking.

Once again, (Y/N) rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms around Conner's neck. His muscular arms wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closser.

"Ye kiss my ass," (Y/N) whispered as their lips neared each other.

"Ye kiss me," Conner replied, closing he gap between them.

They parted what seemed like eons later, their foreheads resting on one another's. "You are so weird,"

Conner smirked. "Ye know,"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes once again, pulling him in for another breath taking kiss.

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