Never Better [] Red Hood

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Requested by Miss_Kuo_Neko


"Jay!" I squealed, my arms flailing as he put me down.

"What?" Jason asked 'oh so innocently'.

I rolled my eyes. "We are in public, and you know I don't like when you pick me up like a sack of potatoes."

"But we're so close to home!"

"Don't care."

I walked on, the apartment building looming over us as I walked into the building, the velvet carpet crunching under my snowy shoes.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!" Jay called after me as I stepped into the empty elevator, the sliding doors closing just in time.

I laughed ad Jay tried to catch it but failing.

Knowing that he will make it to the penthouse before I do, I brace myself for lift off.

As soon as the door opened, I brust out, running to the penthouse, keys in hand.

Unlocking the door, I slip in, closing it behind me as I sigh in relief. Pressing my back against the door, I grinned, closing my eyes.

The keys clatered on the ground out of my hand, the sound echoing throughout the penthouse.

My eyes snap open ad I scrambled to pick the keys up, running to the kitchen. I flinged my bag and the keys onto the table as I hear footsteps run down the stairs.

"Crap!" I mutter, sprinting to the pantry.

I throw open the door, running in and closing it behind me.

I hear footsteps grow louder as my eyes widen.

The door opens to reveal a pissed Jason.

I give him a small smile. "Hey babe, have I ever told you how much I love you?"


I sighed, my hair swaying behind me as I collapsed onto a chair. Sweat rolled down my body as I chugged the water I had brought.

I heard a door close and I set my bottle down, gulping the rest by the gallon.

Jay came into view, his tan body standing out like a flare.

My eyes widen as they look over his abs, the way he flexes as he moves, the sweat rolling off of him as his biceps seem to enlarge.

He smirked as he sees my look. "Like what you see?"

For a moment, my mind goes blank. Then I compose myself. "I've seen better, and how the fuck are you already drenched in sweat?"

"I have my ways." I grab my stuff, hearing towards the door as he takes a moment o realize what I've said.

I go to open the door, only to have it slam, Jason furious. "What the fuck do you mean you've seen better."

I smirk, turning around to face him. "I have my ways."

His lips come crashing into mine as he pins me against the door. Our tounges fight for dominance as he pushes me impossibly further onto the door.

I gasp as he bites my lip, granting him entrance. "Jump." He whispered in between the kisses. I jump, my legs wrapping around his waist.

My arms wrapped around his neck as he flung the door open. He walks for a little bit, never breaking the kiss.

Flinging open another door, he sets me down on the bed.

My lips yearned for more as he drew away, our noses still touching.

"You are never going to get anything better than right now."

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