Purple [] Robin Part 2

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P. S: There is a reference from the Joshler fanfic Forest in here, so...


"Dick!" I exclaimed, rushing down the hall as he walked faster.

I grasped his shoulder, my pace slowing down. "Dick, please let me explain."

He turned to face me. "You explained enough, you don't trust me enough to know your secrets."

"No! I'm just not sure if I really want to be part of a team." I explained. "You know I don't work well with people."

"Gee, I never noticed." He replied sarcastically.

"You know what? To hell with you! I try to explain like a good friend but you keep just acting like, like the dick you are!" I replied, turning and walking to Language Arts as he stood there, trying to object.


"Can anyone tell me where Shakespeare was born?" The teacher asked.

I raised my hand, my chin rested on my hand, my arm propped up. "Yes (Y/N)?"

"Shakespeare was born in Stranford-upon-Avan, which is in the United Kingdom, in 1564," I replied in a monotone voice.

"Right again, now, can anyone tell me why-" The teacher was cut off as a secretary opened the door.

"(Y/N), you need to go to the office." She said, sticking her head into the class.

I grinned, happy to have an excuse to leave. Packing my stuff up, I walked out of the class and into the hall. An occasional student passed us as we walked down the hall, but other than that it was empty.

I walked into the principal's office, the principal and Commissioner Gordon greeting me with grim expressions. "Can I help you Mr. Bloomshire?" I asked the principle.

"(Y/N), I hate to tell you this, but your parents got into an accident." The principal said bluntly.

"Are they going to be okay?" I asked impatiently.

Commissioner Gordon placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me a look of pity. "I'm sorry,"

I gasped, staring up at the older man. "N-no! They can't be!" Tears started to form in my face as the day turned from a bland purple-red to a dark blue-black.

The hot tears started burning in my eyes as someone opened the door. At the same time, I rushed out, needing to get away from people.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Dick call out.

I ignore him, rushing away out of the school. I collapse on the steps, my tears now flowing like a river.

A minute or two later, I feel an arm wrap around me, and I immediately know it's Dick. "Blue-black," I mutter over my sobbing.

He nodded knowingly, pulling me into his chest. I soon stop crying, and I look up at my friend.

He looks down at me, placing a small peck on my forehead. "I know this is hard, but you will get through it. I promise."

I shook my head. "I don't wanna."

I rocked back and forth in his arms, my body shaking. "Dick, I don't want too."

He pulled me impossibly closer. "You don't have to. For now, and until you get better, I will do the smiling for both of us, okay?"

I nodded. "Okay,"

He cooed words into my ear, his hot breath pressing against my skin.

"All I see is blue-black," I whispered into his chest.

"Try to see purple." He whispered back to me. The rays of sunshine beat down on me as if it's trying to mock me.

Seemingly hours later, we part. His eyes flash from my eyes to my lips in a split second, but I catch it. "Purple, I think I can do purple."

He smiled, pressing his soft lips onto mine. My lips yearned for more as he pulled away. "Orange,"

He nodded, giving me a smile. "Orange,"

I fall back into his chest, letting his body wrap around mine. The world may have been blue-black, but in that moment, it was indeed purple.

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