Ghosts [] Roy Harper

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Written by PrincessStarWars

Requested by AgenderSatan


You, Aqualad, and your boyfriend, Roy Harper, aka, Red Arrow, were fighting Cheshire, Sportsmaster, and the League of Shadows. You and Cheshire were face to face.She grinned, turning to Roy.

"You called two of your little sidekick friends", she said. "But didn't you tell me they weren't in your league?" You raised your (Weapon of Choice) and knocked her across the room.

"Not me, Cheshire", you said confidently. She flipped across the room, brandishing her daggers as you continued to fight.

"Aqualad, (Hero Name), let's end this!" Roy called down to both of you. You looked towards where his voice came from and saw him on the ceiling, aiming for one of the sprinklers. You smiled, proud, when suddenly, you felt a searing pain in your side, and then in your chest. You looked down to see Cheshire's daggers buried in your body, both wounds beginning to seep blood. Cheshire smirked and pulled her daggers out of your body, kicking you to the floor. Roy glanced over at you in time to see Cheshire kick you down.

"Y/N!!!" he screamed. Cheshire threw a grenade through the wall of water Aqualad had created, and she and Sportsmaster disappeared. You watched a mercenary come flying through the smoke towards Roy and Aqualad.

"Roy," you whispered. The next few moments were somewhat of a blur to you. You remembered something to do with Lex Luthor and his assistant, Mercy, taking care of the mercenary, and then, Roy was kneeling by your side, cradling your head gently in his lap as the others left the room, leaving only you, Roy, and Aqualad.

"Y/N", Roy said, leaning down and kissing you on the forehead. "You're going to be okay, everything's going to be okay. We'll get you back to the team. They can help you". You laughed, and then winced in pain, reaching up to cup his face.

"Roy, it's okay", you said. Roy gripped your hand.

"It's not okay! Cheshire can't get away with this!" he said angrily.

"She won't," Aqualad said, placing a hand firmly on Roy's shoulder. "But right now, Y/N needs us." Roy scooped you up, holding you to his chest.

"You're going to be okay," he kept repeating to himself. "She's going to be okay." You could feel yourself slipping away. You had already lost so much blood, and you were beginning to feel light-headed, fading into unconsciousness.

"Y/N! Y/N?!?" Roy said, panicked. Your eyes flew open and you smiled sadly at him.

"Roy, I need you to listen to me," you said. You coughed, spitting blood out. Roy opened his mouth to say something, but you stopped him.

"You and I both know that I'm not going to make it", you said. "But you're right. I'm going to be okay. You're going to be okay."

"No, Y/N", Roy said, his voice cracking as tears filled his eyes. With your last bit of strength, you cupped his face and brought him into one last kiss.

"I love you", you said, smiling as you pulled away from him. The tears began streaming down his face as Roy felt your body go cold and limp in his arms, and quite frankly, it was the most terrifying thing he had ever been through; to have someone, his girlfriend, his Y/N, die in his arms. The only thing he could do was stare at your body and cry. Aqualad closed his eyes and placed a hand on Roy's shoulder.

"I'm sorry", he said.

From then on, Roy wasn't the same. Every night offered new nightmares about your death. To make matters worse, he swore to himself that he was starting to see your ghost. On missions, especially. Once, he was fighting Cheshire again, and he swore that instead of Jade's face, he saw yours in her place, smiling at him. Nightmare after nightmare, ghost after ghost, until finally, Roy had had enough. He gripped his head in his hands, screaming in frustration before sobbing quietly. You appeared in his room, watching him cry. You frowned. You hated seeing your Roy in pain, just as much as he hated seeing you like that. You stepped closer to him.

"Roy," you whispered. He jumped, startled, and grabbed his bow from the side of his bed.

"Who's there?" he demanded. You smiled.

"Roy, it's me," you said gently. Roy's bow fell out of his hand.

"Y/N? No. You're dead," he said, mostly to himself. You smiled again.

"Yeah, but I'm here now, right?" you said. Roy began crying again, reaching out to touch you. His hand passed through the hole right above your waist where Cheshire had stabbed you, and you winced.

"I missed you so much, Y/N," he said. "The team misses you, too." You reached out to him, and he placed his hand where your's should have been.

"I miss you all, too," you admitted. "But I promise: you'll be okay."

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