NERD [] Red Robin

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"Is this really necessary, (L/N)?" Damian snarked for the millionth time.

I tolled my eyes, getting tired of his voice. "Are you really necessary, Damian?"

Jason choked on nothing, as Dick broke out into laughter.

"Now Miss (Y/N)," Alfred scolded, a smile playing on his features. "That is no way to talk to Master Damian."

I shook my head, impatient to see Tim.

"So," Jason began, gesturing towards my sign. "How long did it take you to make it?"

"About a day or two." I replied as an announcement sounded. "Delta Airline's plane 288 has just landed, Delta Airline 288."

"Yay! That's Tim's plane!" I cheered, a smile dancing on my lips.

Damian rolled his eyes, taking a look at my sign that I held high.

"Jason! No smoking in an airport!" Dick scolded behind me.

"You never let me smoke," Jason complained, stomping his foot.

I chuckled at the pair, my eyes darting around the airport.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Tim yelp from the sea of people.

"Tim!" I cried, searching for him. I meet his blue eyes in the crowd, "Tim!"

I dropped the sign, rushing towards him as he did the same. We engulfed one another in a hug, my feet coming off the ground. "I missed you so much," Tim whispered into my hair.

I nodded, pulling him impossibly closer. Dick cleared his voice, Tim letting me down onto my feet. The two yexchanged greetings, giving one another an akward hug.

"Tim," Jason smirked, giving Tim a nod.

"Jason," Tim mimicked Jason's movements, turning to Alfred and Damian. "Hello Alfred, Damian."

Alfred nodded. "Hello Master Drake, it is a pleasure to see you once again."

"And you as well, Alfred." Tim gave Alfred a respective nod. "Damian," Tim said, looking down at the younger boy.

"Drake," Damian replied.

Tim turned his attention back down to the sign that Dick was now holding. Its glitter sparkled in the light, the hot pink paper supporting it. "Nerd? Really?"

"What?" I chuckled. "You are a nerd."

"Ya," He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, walking towards the exit with his luggage in Alfred's hands. "But I'm your nerd,"

I smiled up into his blue eyes. "Indeed you are," I looked back towards the exit. "Nerd,"

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