Elysium [] Red Hood

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Just a little feels. And, I will continue to get the request going, but I just really wanted to write something off the top of my head. P.S: there are a lot of quotes in here I got from pintrest and in my next a/n I will be posting the pics for the quotes. AND THERES A NIGHTWING MOVIE COMING OUT!!! THEY ANOUNCED IT YESTERDAY! YAYAYAAY!

(B/D) - Birth Date


Jason's POV

"Sorry, wrong number." A familiar voice whispered into my ear.

A click sounded as the phone went dead.

I sighed, my body trembling with anger and sadness as I gripped my phone harder.

I should have never gone out that day. (Y/N) ment the world to me, and I took her for granted.

I remember that day, bow I had brough roses roses home, but the keys didn't fit.

I remember when we were strangers, then friends, best friends, lovers. And now we where back to strangers.

I remember it all.

And I hated myself for it.

For not stoping to save her, to save her from me. For getting hurt. For falling too hard.

I let out a rage filled yell, plummeting my phone into the wall. The sound echoed off the walls as hot, burning tears filled my eyes.

Deep breaths, I told myself.

In, and out.



I had finally calmed down and regained my senses once more.

The TV lit up as I sat back down, placing the remote in my hand.

"This is Vicki Vale of the Gotham Gazette, at the scene where the Joker is holding a woman hostage. Batman and Robin have tried to subdue the villian under many circumstances tonight, only to fall short. Here is a clip of a recording taken by the Joker himself. Warning, this may be inappropriate due for children to mature content."

The TV flashed to the recording.

Sirens wailed in the distance as the Jokers voiced bounced off the buildings. He held a camera close to his face. "Hiya Red! It's your best pal, just calling to say," he jerked a woman in front of the camera, holding her by the hair.

Her face was blody and bruised, barely noticeable.

But I noticed.

I shot up, waiting to here the Joker's terms. "I have your pet. If you want her, come and get her."

His cackle was cut off by the static as the recording ended.

I didn't hear the rest of the segment as rage consumed me. I rushed to get into my uniform, then swung out of the building.


3rd Person POV

Jason's feet landed onto the hard cement as the shards of glass rained down on him.

The Joker whipped his head in Jason's direction. "Lookie here! If it isn't Batsy's little Red!"

"Give me her Joker," Jason snarled, clenching his fist, fuming.

The Joker jerked (Y/N)'s nearly lifeless body off the ground throwing her like a ragdoll out the window. "Fetch,"

Jason ran to the window, sliding onto his stomach.

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