Allergies [] Batfam

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Requested by TomboyLiv


"No!" I exclaimed, running back up the grand stairs.

"(Y/N) get back here!" Bruce demanded.

"You are not making me go to the doctors!" I yelled, making a sharp turn.

"Tt, I really hoped it wouldn't come to this." Damian said, now standing in front of me.

"Back away Demom Spawn." I snapped.

"No." He argued.

I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Damian c'mon." He chucked, a soft cloth coming over my mouth. "D-D..."

My eyes starting drooping, and I was out like a light.


I awoke to someone gently shaking my arm. "What happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes as they adjusted to the new environment. My family surrounded me as I was slumped in a chair. The walls where a pearly white and there was a counter to my side. "Oh you guys did not!"

Everyone looked ashamed as I gave them a BatGlare™.

The doctor came in. "I see you're awake Miss (L/N)."

I snorted, crossing my arms. "No duh."

"(Y/N)!" Bruce snapped.

I glared at him. "Hey you're the one who drugged me."

"Okay, on a different note, today I wil be doing a check up on you. Before we begin, is there anything you are allergic to?" The doctor asked.

"Yes," I smirked. "Pine nuts... And the full spectrum of human emotion."

Dick and Tim sniffled a laugh while Jason started bawling with laughter. Demon Spawn and Bruce gave smirks, along with Barbara and Cass. Stephanie just let out a giggle.

"Very well then, so let's get started with your vitals." The doctor said, smirking.

"Oh god take me now." I muttered.

The doctor chuckled. "Ya, ya. It won't be as bad as you think it will."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course not Mr. life Coach Sir."

It was then the doctors turn to roll his eyes. "You want to get this over with? Let's get this over with."

I gave him a poker face. "Deal,"

"Good, now as for your vitals..."

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