Alone [] Batman

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Requested by caitlikesbatman

(A/H/N) - Anti Hero Name


My feet hit the cold ground with a soft thud, the night surrounding me.

I crept along the rooftop, eyeing my surroundings.

A nearly unhrarable thud sounded behind me as I froze, hoping my outfit would hide me. "(A/H/N),"

I roll my eyes at the deep voice, turning around. "What, Bats."

"You stole, again." I roll my eyes once again, scoffing.

"Gee, didn't notice," I snapped back, turning around. I started to walk towards the edge of the rooftop, the city laid out before me.

"(A/H/N)," Batman said once again, grabbing my forearm. "We talked about this."

I turned around meeting his cowl with a cold glare. "I'm aware,"

"You can't continue to steal. Or I'll have to turn you in." Batman replied, his tone sounding rather genuine.

"Aw," I cooed, tilting my head as a sly grin danced on my lips. "You care!"

He shook his head, a small, tiny, ity bity smirk playing at his lips.

I grinned at the Gotham Knight, rocking on the balls my feet. I saw as the Bat Signal went up in the air, my smile falling.

Batman noticed my sudden change in mood, turning around to see the signal. "I have to go,"

I nodded, bitting the inside of my cheeck as I neared the edge. "I noticed,"

He opened his mouth to say something, but thought better and closed it. He took out his grappeling hook, swinging away into the night.

I watched as his figure began to rapidly fade into the night.

And just like that, I was alone once again.

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