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i stared out of the hole between the curtains with a smile having my notebook in my left hand and the pencil in my right sitting on the ground like i did everyday as i glanced at the colourful tree . it was getting warmer wasnt it .. because the flowers were all blooming .

i wish i could go out and prove myself how warm it was .. it looje dlike its windy aswell ... i realy wished i could go out .

glancing down on the paper again .i layed my pencil down and looked at the picture i've been drawing .

i never realy draw what i see i always wanted to bring something that was right in front of me on paper but somehow i always fuck up and create different picture .

it was a tree but it was bigger than anything else and on the tree sat a person ..

i do like it tho that person could be me thats sitting on the tree and staring at the sky .

suddenly someone knocked on the front door . he's back ! i smiled brightly and stood up shakingly limping towards the hall until i made it to the front door where i stoped for a minute catching my breath .

he knocked again ..
and i frowned ..
he only knocked so i could come and jump on him .he had a key to his house . he wouldnt knock 2 times he would come in .

its not him .. but who is it then

i blinked taking shaky breaths and flinching back as it knocked again .

who is it
who is it !?

i'm not allowed to open the door or to see strangers .

knock knock
knock !

it sounded more urgend and i bit back a whine because i didnt know what to do it scared me .
who was it ??

knock knock knock

,, hello ?"
wait i know this voice . its the beautiful soft voice i dreamed of nights .

my hands moved onto the door knob and i pressed my lips together keeping my breath even as i just opened the door a little
peeking my eye out to see the sunlight . i made sure to only show the stranger the less of me as possible.

my eyes traveled up to look at the strangers face and i could have sworn my heart had stoped .

,, kyungsoo!" his eyes were wide with shock and his loud voice scared me causing me to flinch and cower back . he pushed the door open and stepped more inside too quieckly for my liking and i ended up stumbling backwards raising my hands as a shield to protect myself .

he stoped walking and swollowed sadly at me as he got down but i only crawled away pulling the oversized pullover down to cover my naked body as i was shaking like crazy .

,, kyungsoo .. baby .." why did he sound so sad ? doesnt he know how happy i finally was ? is he sad because i finally got happiness after all the suffering i went through !?

tears appeard in my eyes as i looked at him .
he cut his hair again ,it looked good on him .makes him more handsome .

,, is he here ?" he got closer and i this time didnt back away . whiping with the long sleeves of the pullover over my dirty face .
before i shock my head .

his hands reached foreward and he grabbed gently under my arm . pulling me to my blue feet
he slowly walked towards the door and i knew he was trying to get me out of the house . but i texted him more times that i didnt want to .

i whimperd pulling my arm back and running into the kitchen as best as i could
,, kyungsoo !" he called me and i stumbled falling foreward i crawled behind the table .

,, please .. i dont want you to be here anymore !" he pleaded with me trying to walk around the table to me but i would always stumble away .

i want to be here .
this is my home ,

,, i know you think that he loves you ... but he doesnt " i looked to the ground as he said that .

how dare he say that, he has no idea he doesnt know how loved i am here .

,, look at what he did to you have you seen yourself ?" those words broke my heart twice as tears slowly overfilled my eyes and rolled down my cheeks .
i know i'm ugly .he doesnt need to tell me that .
but its just one more reason to stay here no one will ever love me exept for him . i wont leave him. he's all i have now .

angrily i looked up at him again
shaking my head as i pressed my lips together .signalizing that i didnt want him here . i want him to leave .

,, i'm not letting you stay here i've had enough " his voice was now firmly as he just rushed over and grabbed my arm by my elbow before i could move away .

i started struggling and whining.
,, come on please "

my eyes just started watering as he pulled me towards the door .
i didnt want to leave !
i didnt want to suffer again !
i dont want anymore !

,, jongin ! " my eyes opened instandly as his voice appeard and jongin stoped,losening his gripp on my arm and pushing me behind him.

,, dont come fucking closer " jongin warned in a low voice .

he just closed the door raising an eyebrow as he moved to the side to look at me behind jongin . and i looked down ashamed .
why did i let jongin in . i should have just hidden back in my room . i'm so stupid i always cause trouble .

he sighed looking up at jongin again
,, what do you want? why did you break into my house ?"

,, isnt it obviously ? you fucking pshycho .. i'm taking him with me now "

a low chuckle escaped his lips and i swollowed knowing that jongin just made him angry .i dont like his angry side ..

,, you had your chance jongin , he's mine now because obviously you dont know how to treat him right "

he moved closer and jongin backed away his hands around me behind his back .

,, honey come on here, now" he orderd and i didnt hesistate moving away from jongin but he grabbed my arm focring me to look at him .

,, i'm sorry " he whisperd with saddened eyes and i stared at him for a second , freezing for some sort of reason .
,, this is all my fault .. i wanted to protect you .help you but i never could and never did . you were the only one helping me and i repayed it by letting you down .. none of this would have happened if i had been there for you ..
but kyungsoo

i still love you

and i always will "

a small smile appeard on his face as a tear rolled down and i eyes watering again until he suddenly appeard and punched jongin to the ground landing on top of him .
and leaving me in shock as he started beating him .

what am i gonna do now . this is to much for me .

i rememberd the time when i still believed love was strong and loyal .

Loyal Love (Kaisoo)Where stories live. Discover now